Airbus A350 Family v2 for FSX

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- Developer
- AFS-Design
As an aircraft with a bashful history to it and a rather beloved place within the history of Airbus moving forward, the Airbus A350 family is one of the most impressive on the market today. A fly-by-wire model, the family of A350 has long become what many would consider aviation royalty thanks to their significant changes to the Airbus range.
If you have always wanted to try out this model and see why it is such a beloved and major part of the system, you need to try out this modification as AFS-design bring this aircraft to life in style.
By offering a new and effective way for your aircraft to change and improve moving forward, you can finally see this model in the way that it should have been showcased originally. As a more modern selection (only released in 2013) the A350 range is still getting a lot of positive traction and opinion from experts and now you can piggyback on the success this aircraft has achieved in the past.
Faithfully recreated here so that it carries all of the hallmarks of the real thing, this is the perfect way to enjoy a genuinely iconic piece of hardware in all of its most glorious detail and precision.
Making The Most of the Cockpit
Within the design element of any good aircraft mod today comes the cockpit, as it is where you will be utilizing all of the various features needed to fly an aircraft properly. This modification gives you access to a fresh cockpit with various features you’ll need, including;
A massive range of extra features such as minor changes to include various signs and symbols in the cockpit. From no smoking and seatbelt signs – with acoustic sound included – you get all of the features you need to make the cockpit really feel like the authentic, real-life equivalent it represents.
Access to two of the most important displays that you are bound to find within the cockpit of an aircraft – Primary Flight Displays, and Multi-Function Flight Displays. This makes a huge difference to your long-term progression and enjoyment of the flight, also helping you retain crucial flight accuracy when you’re moving forward.
Two totally switchable EICAS displays are included which make it easier than ever to enjoy a process can make it a major part of your flight system in general. If you wish to become the best pilot that you can, then it makes sense to start off here.
Major changes and improvements to the aircraft interior make it easier than ever to buy into the ethos that makes the aircraft feel unique, alongside a central console which donates all the power you need to fly safely and effectively. With a central console with radio ads and transponders, trim wheels, throttles and engine controls you can easily manage and control your system better than ever moving forward in future.
Another major change has been the improvement of the upper panels – now, they hold a hugely impressive 100+ real, deposited switches to give you greater control, realism and presentation than ever.
A freshly managed autopilot system which has been reworked and improved time and time again to include ILS, FD, ALT, VS, HDG, NAV, SPeeD, Mach, Loc, Autothrottle / Master and QNH features to help you master and control your flight.
Utilizing FMC Features Effectively
Like any other flight model or system that you take part in, the FMC that you have access to is one of your most effective and reliable bonuses. We recommend that you try out the FMC for yourself as it gives you access to a range of features;
15 different menus that really do capture and control the way that your aircraft manages itself, making it easier than ever to buy into the way that it flies and operates.
Gauges of various miscellaneous flight parameters are included to give you a much greater system and design that really does look the part, offering a fresh and engaging take on the gauges used within.
Now you can utilize flight plans better than ever thanks to the comprehensive approach provided inside, making it easy to navigate and stay safe in flight.
Calculation of courses using analogical winds, high level and aerodrome of destination has been implemented into your FMC so flight control and direction is easier to manage.
Following waypoints is made much easier as well, improving your entire position and making sure you can fly with freedom and care within.
Course gauging and autopilot control is included to help you further improve your position moving forward, helping you feel in control at all times.
Other Improvements
Having a strong cockpit and FMC system are just one part of the battle, however. For any aircraft to carry a truly resplendent and authentic version of itself it must first look at and realize the gravity of the changes that first have to be made, including features like;
Detailed and fresh models both internally and externally do a wonderful job of promoting the genuine beauty and format of this aircraft. This includes a virtual cockpit which has been transformed and changed with the introduction of a friendly co-pilot who adds yet another layer of realism to the experience.
A major improvement that this introduces, too, is the use of new animations for the external model itself. With flaps, spoilers, slats and everything else you could possibly imagine all working to the style that you would imagine this does a great job of promoting the inside of the aircraft.
Cabins doors and hatches are also freshly animated with animated gears being used at the same time to accurately promote the dynamic exterior of Airbus models.
This is also detailed with the way that the aircraft flies – fresh and effective flight dynamics are being used throughout to master the flight style and format, making it easier than ever to manage.
Thanks to the numerous changes brought to the table with this mod, you will now see far more realism in the aircraft. This is no truer than it is with the engine thrust reverser, which includes various animation and features.
All models are included to have the right realism and control to them with the right form of ATC-ID being used to help sell the correct image of control, precision and detail. Everything included here will help to freshen up the process and ensure you’re moving forward in one direction.
Engine thrust reverser improvements are further backed up by the improvement to the virtual cockpit, which now looks far more realistic. This utilizes key additions such as panel lights, window reflections and exceptionally detailed features such as new avionics for an improved level of radio navigation which really helps out.
Extensive lighting effects for windows and exterior lighting is a major benefit to any part of your long-term safety in the sky, made even more prominent in this mod. Now you have access to light for beacons, strobes, navigation, landing and taxi lighting to really help improve flight precision expertly.
Make your life much easier as a pilot with the help of the fresh improvements to the FMC and GPS systems. As two of your most important tools for a safe flight, these will ensure that you are always on the right track and that you minimize the risk of losing command when you’re flying.
Each aircraft comes with the changed improvements of offering new textures that offer a 1024 x 1024 pixel specular shine effect. This also greatly improves the quality of night lighting, utilizing powerful Alpha technology to really promote the beauty and style of the aircraft perfectly.
Furthermore, the depth of each aircraft has been improved by the sounds that are being used. It now utilizes the sounds of the real engine that each model used, creating the stunning boom and the dramatic sound of the real Rolls Royce Trent 900 engine which is a mainstay in Airbus designs.
Livery Additions
A major factor of this package for the Airbus A350 family has been that it introduces some very engaging and interesting livery additions to the table. If you are interested in seeing what your aircraft will look like in various ways and fashions, we recommend that you try out any of the following livery additions for yourself;
- Industrie house,
- Lufthansa,
- Qantas,
- Emirates
- Airlines,
- Grundlack,
- Emirates,
- Air France,
- Virgin Atlantic,
- Korean Air,
- Malaysia,
- Quatar Air,
- Thai - Thailand,
- Singapore Airlines,
- Repaint texture
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