Dubai International (OMDB) Expansion for Tower! 3D

Dubai International (OMDB) Expansion for Tower! 3D

IATA: DXB, ICAO: OMDB – Dubai International is now one of the busiest international airports in the world. Read more...

Requires Tower! 3D ATC Simulator or Tower! 3D ATC Simulator PRO
File size
62 MB
Buy now forAll taxes included$17.49
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Since 1960 Dubai International Airport now serves more than 88.2 million customers annually, connecting more than 240 destinations across six continents on more than 100 airlines.

With traffic is projected to surpass 90 million in 2018, DXB is a dynamic and fast-growing airport that truly connects the world.

DXB’s world-class facilities include the $1.2 billion Concourse D, a state of the art facility serving all international airlines that operate into Terminal 1, Concourse A – the world’s first and largest purpose-built A380 facility that is one of the three Concourses used exclusively by Emirates airline, as well as Terminal 2.

Dubai Airport has two closely spaced parallel runways, 12R/30L is 4,000 m × 60 m (13,120 ft × 200 ft), 12L/30R is 4,000 m × 60 m (13,120 ft × 200 ft). The gap between the center lines of the two runways is 385 m (1,263 ft). The runways are equipped with four sets of ILS to guide landing aircraft safely under very poor weather conditions. The runways were expanded to accommodate the Airbus A380.


  • Detailed graphic design
  • 3D modeled airport buildings
  • Detailed 3D modeled terminal(s) and airplanes landing and taking off

About feelthere

FeelThere is a flight simulator and ATC simulator developer based in CA, USA headed up by team leader and owner Victor Racz.

FeelThere have been developing add-ons for flight simulators since the early days - since FS2002 and have been working on every iteration since.  Their products have included creations for many different aircraft and airport (scenery) creations.

Since their flight simulator developments and aircraft creations, they have also branched out into Air Traffic Control (ATC) simulators and have mastered the Tower! series which is popular among PC-based ATC simulation users.  Tower! is likely the most used and acclaimed ATC simulator software for PC.

Feelthere is now also focused on creating content for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release simulator with various scenery packages and likely aircraft to follow.

View all products/add-ons by feelthere.

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