Diamond DA42 Twin Star for FSX/P3D

Special Features
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X inc. Steam Edition & Prepar3D including v4
- File size
- 222 MB
- Developer
- Alabeo
- P3Dv4 and Steam option
- Comm frequency changes correctly
- Weather radar
- G1000 improvement
- 3D Knobs enhanced
- Transponder modes added
- G1000 3D screens turns off when 2D window pops up to improve performance
- Exterior light improvement
- Alabeo G1000
- Flexing wing effect (wingflex)
- Superb material shines and reflections.
- Volumetric side view prop effect
- Gauges reflections
- Knob click sounds
- Windows scratches and blades shine
- High-quality 3D model and textures.
- Realistic behavior
- 6 HD liveries
- 1 Blank texture
- Normal Procedures PDF
- Emergency Procedures PDF
- Performance tables PDF
- Quick Reference PDF
- KFC225 Autopilot PDF
- Alabeo G1000 PDF
Customer Reviews
Rated 3.8/5.0 based on 6 customer reviews
- 10/03/2015
Alabeo's Diamond DA42 is one of the finest aircraft in my hangar; its overall quality puts it head and shoulders above most of my other add-on aircraft. I'm certain that both the Microsoft's Flight Simulator X and the Prepar3D version would are equally impressive, as both simulators are just as capable as each other. With the amount of detail packed into this add-on, I was surprised that the file size wasn't bigger. Not that storage is hard to come by these days, but it's nice that even people with a full hard drive won't have to do much to make space for this great aircraft.
This light aircraft features a low wing design and has a retractable landing gear, which gives at really nice overall shape and a unique silhouette. The large single panel cockpit window stretches all the way around the cockpit and covers almost all of your vertical viewing angle, allowing for spectacular visibility. I really like that I can still see the propellers from inside the cockpit, it seems to improve my spacial awareness, if that's what you'd call it; it's easier to maintain awareness of the rest of the aircraft from inside the cockpit and enjoy the gleaming material shines and reflections, without having to rely on external camera viewpoints.
With regards to the interactive cockpit, I've found that you get pretty good feedback from your inputs; the animations for knobs and switches are accompanied by sound effects that make it really easy to fine tune your inputs. Also, the panel functions are all realistically back lit, so it's easy to utilize the panel in all lighting conditions.
A few special effects really help the Diamond DA42 to stand out amongst my other aircraft. It's not the first time I've seen the volumetric propeller effect, and as great as it is, I was more impressed by the flexing wing effect. So many aircraft add-ons can look great, and despite all the moving parts and animations, still feel kind of static. The flexing wing effect really brings the aircraft to life, and makes the whole experience of flying it more realistic than I had expected. If you're in the market for a light aircraft or are looking for something to train in, I would say this one is definitely worth some consideration.
- 10/19/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
I love this plane. I don't know need to add anything more positive than Steve Robinson put it. I haven't been in a glass cockpit sim that was perfect. A real IMPORTANT note for FSX steam or maybe it was windows 10 don't know but install this software as administrator. I didn't the first time and for the life of me couldn't figure out why the additional version textures wouldn't show. When I found that suggestion on the internet I was skeptical, but it worked and it was posted on Alabeo's forum so thanks for that otherwise I would be truly upset. Love flying this plane, that MFD has a few querks in terms of the function knobs and trying to set procedures but I flew this thing over Yosemite at just 12k and ran into IFR conditions for real, like not popping in and out but straight soup. That was already low altitude for the area and I was fairly surrounded and managed to slowly come down and get below it but I was barely 2k AGL and the plane did well even with it's aerodynamics. You will really feel the aerodynamics of that thin 44' wing span in turbulent air. I'll probably never get to fly one of these for real, so I enjoy having this in my sim collection.
- 03/05/2017
4/5 Verified Purchase
Relativly new to flight Sims but an older real PPL holder, I am now (after PPL on DFS ) training on twins so I thought some hours on my own ac would be appropriate and having looked at the reviews bought the Albeo. It cost more thasn FSX and DFS combined so should be great and my first payware purchase of aircraft. Took it from Akrotiri to Paphios and on to Rhodes not read anything but the essentials. Ground maneuvers difficult but great in the air albeit pretty lively hands on all the way to rodos used the GPS flight planner so nav not a problem. Must bone up on the G1000 trying to work it out without auto pilot was not an option (haven't done that yet). Nice feel and should give me lots to keep me occupied over the next few weeks. have a navidia gt750ti but some stuttering on approach which made it a bit interesting to say the least. Sorry if its not in your usual lingo
- 11/17/2017
1/5 Verified Purchase
Overall the sim is very good. But the MFD switches can not be programed thru FSX, you can't it all with the mouse. The auto pilot is also different than other auto pilots in FSX, If you set an altitude on it then turn on the ALT button it goes to the current altitude. I have found that if you first set the VS then the auto pilot will work.
I put in a ticket on 11/11/17, it has been 7 days and NO RESPONSE !!!
STARS: 0-10 SIM : 5 MFD : 2 AUTOPILOT : 3
I have over 25hrs on this sim, have put it thru the paces and it is a passes.
- 09/14/2022
3/5 Verified Purchase
I would give it five stars except it does not have a 2D panel. Yes, I know that 2D panels are out of fashion but I like them. Other than that the aircraft is perfect. Its easy to fly and I enjoy the Garmin 1000 very much
- 04/04/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
one of the best small planes I ever flew. the only negative note goes to the cruising speed
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