Aircraft Factory: P-51H High Performance Mustang for FSX

The most impressive addition of the pack when it comes to old-school aircraft, this remake of the P-51 Mustang does all that it can to capture the depth and detail of the whole thing. This FSX-only piece of software will allow fans of this famous aircraft a chance to hop into the cockpit and see what they have been missing out on, as one of the world’s most fantastic aircraft comes to life. Best of all, this is a value package that really does what it can to capture the detail and precision of the aircraft without making you shell out a significant fee. Instead, it’s designed to give you a realistic and enjoyable challenge whilst also making sure that those who want it can have the truly authentic feel. Read more...
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X
- File size
- 199 MB
- Developer
- A2A Simulations
This makes the perfect gift for someone or the perfect starting point for people who are new to the payware world of FSX. This was created using many hours’ worth of detail and knowledge about the P-51H, as well as the information that comes from the training manual. By using both of these tools, performance and authenticity are at the best levels they are likely to be in FSX.
This aircraft, the P-51H, differs from its brethren the P-51D on a few levels, but the most important aspect is the level of performance that both can provide. Other than the actual performance level and some aesthetics, though, the similarities are quite important and are also very impressive. For example, the H is lighter and has a greater level of agility in general, making it a better fight for combat that needed a more agile companion. Likewise, it comes with a smaller fuel level than the D but can still go further as it’s lighter and therefore uses fuel at a fairer pace.
The P-51H was one of the fastest aircraft of its time, too, which was one of the things that made it such a well-loved piece of kit. This aircraft was capable of hitting top speeds of 487mph at 25,000 feet which made it much faster than any of its competitors and its companions. Add in the fact that it was capable of using various automatic features, too, and it became a hugely popular piece of kit that many people will love spending time in.
It’s capable of going from high speeds to low speeds in relatively little time, as well as being able to get to grips with its controls a lot easier. The introduction of war emergency war and water injection was a welcome addition, too, giving the aircraft even more potential than it already had. However, one of its finest advantages was the fact that it has the ability to get into dogfights and come out on the other side. It was nimbler than the likes of the TA 152, making it a hugely useful piece of hardware in eventually turning the tide of the war and ensuring that the Allies wound up victorious.
It was as fast in a dive or a level fight as anything else of the era, if not faster than just about all of them. It was an incredibly powerful aircraft despite its nimble nature, and many would rate it as the finest aircraft built during the Second World War; whilst you may not have heard of it, it’s usefulness in eventually winning the war should never be underestimated or understated.
With this package, you’ll now get to see just why this was such a game-changer and why, years after the fact, it’s still being spoken about in such glowing terms.
Key Features
This will give you the access that you need to finally see the true power of the P-51 Mustang. As one of the most powerful aircraft of its era this does a fantastic job of finally letting others experience the true power and strength of this aircraft. It’s comfortably one of the most revered aircraft of all-time and with the help of this High Performance Pack, you should have no problems whatsoever putting it all together and being able to enjoy one of the most authentic flight experiences out there. This package captures that elegance just perfectly
This has been put together using the brilliant Microsoft Flight Simulator SDK package. This means that you can have no worries at all about it not working, failing to be compatible with various features and also just struggling in general to load and operate at the right level of performance
As far as design elements go, this aircraft manages to capture the real thing perfectly and really detail each of the smaller parts that you might not have considered to be important or vital in any way to the actual progress of the aircraft. However, this runs parallel with the excellent official training manuals in that it uses all of the information and advice in there to create a truly authentic equivalent of this aircraft, giving you all the help that you need in getting used to the way that it operates or how it should be used in general
The aircraft also comes with some rather special stall and spin characteristics, which does a great job in making the whole flight more challenging. Now it will react as it would in the real world if you were to go into a spin or if you were to find yourself stalling in the air, making it so much easier for you to regain control of the aircraft and to make sure that it comes together in the most dramatic fashion possible. If you are prepared to put in the time to learn these mechanics then it can make you a far more rounded, mature pilot
The aircraft has been constructed with the attention to detail and importance of the right features clearly in mind. This captures the depth and detail of the real thing just perfectly, and it ensures that everything on the inside and the outside has been perfectly captured, planned and put together. Whether it’s the inside or the outside, this aircraft is just perfectly constructed and tends to capture each and every detail along the way without looking too over the top. For an every last rivet level of design and precision, you should check this out
The 3D gauges in the cockpit have gone through a similar level of design and change, making sure the whole thing just bursts to life and gives you the level of challenge that you would have been expecting from something like this. In short, the whole aircraft can be made to look the part and to carry the level of quality that you would have expected across the board. High resolution textures are used to make sure that the gauges are, at all times, fully legible so that you can easily make decisions instead of fumbling around and making mistakes!
You can make the aircraft lighter simply by dropping the external fuel tanks, making you even faster. Be aware, though, that the aircraft will now have less resources than it did when you first took off and this naturally can affect your chances of making it from A to B
Do you want to have the true rendition and feeling of the Mustang? Then you should definitely hop into the cockpit of this badboy and try out the 3D collimating gun sight. This was designed by scratch from A2A and this ensures that the aircraft feels truly outstanding as you fly around. The depth and precision of the craft in general, though, is one of the most exciting things you’ll see and also one of the most effective additions in terms of letting you actually see the scale of the scope that was being used back in the day – now, you can appreciate just how challenging dogfights must have been for the pilots!
Merlin engine sounds are added into this to make sure that you get an aircraft that has the genuine boom and rasp of the original, making it much easier to hop into the cockpit and feel far more comfortable with the plane. The natural sounds it makes as you fly will tally up well with what you are doing, giving you an insight as you fly into how much you are pushing the aircraft and – crucially – if it can be pushed any more than it is when you are at the helm
This has been designed to work fully in compatibility with the amazing A2A Accu-feel service. If you are looking to get that truly dep and impressive layer of realism when flying in FSX, we recommend that you check out the detail and the precision that this mod brings to the table. It revolutionizes the way that aircraft fly and feel, and with this mod already so impressive you should get one of the most comprehensively authentic flight experiences that you are likely to ever come across, especially given you’ll be using such an iconic and important aircraft
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