SAAB Regional Pack for FS2004

If you like to fly aircraft that are a little bit of a throwback to a decade or two ago, then there are few more enjoyable to take control of than the SAAB 340 and the SAAB 2000. Made to give you incredible power yet unrefined controls and a little bit of an old-school approach, these are the perfect aircraft for anyone looking to take on something a little bit different in their flight simulation experiences in Flight Simulator 2004. Read more...
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
- File size
- 156 MB
- Developer
- Virtualcol FS Software
This package provides you with access to both the SAAB 340 and the SAAB 2000, letting you take over some of the most charismatic aviation made in the last few generations. It was first produced in 1983 and even though it stopped being produced in 199, some 450 of these aircraft were created and many of them are still in service as of today. It acted as a passenger aircraft or an airliner, and today is still used for this purpose in many smaller nations like Estonia.
If you want to take control over a bulky two-engine turboprop aircraft that was produced for more than a decade and a half, then this is what you need. Recreating the aircraft in faithful detail and ensuring that the statistics and attributes of the aircraft stack up with real life; this makes it easier than ever to make sure that the flying experience that you are enjoying is as close to the real thing as it possibly can be.
Using the realistic additions from the Virtualcol team, one of the most well recognized in the community, you can really push Flight Simulator to its very limits with this awesome rendition of a fine aircraft that has been used for many years.
Key Features
Provides you with both the SAAB340 and the SAAB 2000 makes it easier than ever to get your own preference for what you want to fly and what you enjoy using the most – both aircraft have subtle differences and this makes them great fun to experiment with and fly around the skies of the world, trying out the different characteristics of each
New sounds and animations have been included to boost the realism beyond the HD textures and faithful design of the aircraft – sounds have been recorded directly from the aircraft itself to give you the most genuine sounding aircraft possible, while also utilizing various new animations such as a ground service team preparing the aircraft for take-off before it leaves, giving you a much more realistic take-off process
Made simple to fly with a virtual cockpit and 2D screens designed to make use of the various features capable within the Flight Simulator 2004 interface for maximum control over where you are going and where you will end up!
Many liveries included for both models letting you fly the flag for your favorite airliner, or to relive an old experience in life in the perfect style using HD textures that really represent the aircraft in the proper light and design
Repaints included
SAAB 340
- Adria Cargo
- American Eagle
- Aer Lingus
- Aerotaca
- Air Aland
- Air Baltic
- Air Bremen
- Air France
- Air New Zealand Link
- Air Panama
- Air Rarotonga
- Allegheny Commuter
- AeroLitoral
- Aerolíneas Sosa
- BEX Delta Connection
- British Airways
- Caribair
- Central Connect Airlines
- Continental Connection
- Colgan Air
- Comair
- Crossair
- Danish Air Transport
- Dauair
- Delta
- Estonian Regional
- Finnaviation
- Flybe
- Japan Air Commuter
- Kendell Airlines
- KLM Cityhopper
- Macair
- Nortwest Airlink (Mesaba)
- NextJet
- Nordic Solutions
- OLT Express
- Polet Flight
- REX Regional Express
- Scandinavian Commuter
- Seaborne
- Silver Airways
- Sky Bahamas
- Skyways
- SOL Lineas Aéreas
- Sprint Air
- Swedish Air Force
- Trans World Express
- United Express (New)
- United Express (Old)
- US Airways Express (New)
- US Airways Express (Old)
- Vincent Aviation
SAAB 2000
- Air France Régional
- Braathens Regional
- British Airways
- Carpatair
- Crossair
- Darwin Airline
- Eastern Airways
- Etihad Regional
- Flybe
- FlyLal
- Moldavian
- OLT Express
- Portugalia
- Polet Flight
- Scandinavian Commuter
- SAS Swelink
- Swiss

About Virtualcol FS Software
Virtualcol, based in Columbia has been developing flight sim add-ons for over a decade for FS2004, FSX, and Prepar3D. They have recently released their first model for Microsoft's new 2020 release (MSFS).
Their products always have a focus on being frame-rate friendly and fairly priced. You don't need a high-end machine to run Virtualcol models. Their aircraft design focuses on turboprops although they have released some smaller private jet aircraft.
Their products are well received and have had many well-rated reviews by new and returning customers.
Customer Reviews
Rated 5.0/5.0 based on 1 customer reviews
- 11/06/2015
Virtualcol FS Software really hit upon something here - there is nothing quite like flying one of these. Even if you weren't around during their prime, these aircraft have such a strong history and had a such a presence in the air, that their worth checking out either way. I remember family holidays from when I was much younger, and being completely awestruck by these behemoths sitting on the tarmac. Despite how far aviation has come, it's nice to look back and appreciate the steps we made in getting here.
This package contains two SAAB passenger aircraft, the 340 and the 2000. As I said, I remember these great machines, but I obviously never flew one myself, and so I cannot vouch for their individual performance compared to their real life counterparts. But I can vouch for their individuality, and each one does feel truly unique; they have their own characteristics and ways they behave. Chances are that there won't be anything else like this in your hangar at present, in which case it will feel radically different to fly either of these aircraft. If you do happen to have something from this generation, then this might be something you'll want to experience.
One slight disappointment is the bias towards the SAAB 340 when it comes to liveries. It has over fifty regional liveries available compared to the SAAB 2000's seventeen. I'm sure that this is the way it is because that's the way it was, and I would rather Virtualcol keep everything authentic than add a bunch of what would essentially be fictional liveries to the SAAB 2000. Seventeen liveries are still way more than you would usually get for one aircraft.
The use of a virtual cockpit and 2D screens help you get the most out functionality out of FS2004, which you may be more appreciate of if this kind of aircraft is unfamiliar to you. It's no reason to be timid though; once upon a time these were two of the proudest aircraft around and there is a reason that they are still in service today - they will get you where you're going. They may each have their own subtle ways of doing things, but it's up to you as a pilot to learn these differences and in doing so, I'm sure you will have as much fun as I have.
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