MegaSceneryEarth Alabama Complete State Photoreal Scenery for FSX/P3D

MegaSceneryEarth Alabama Complete State Photoreal Scenery for FSX/P3D

While the FSX community is loaded with people who put in huge amounts of work into designing high-end designs and new textures for the series, very few take on the design of an entire State. Indeed, if you want to make your simulation experience feel even more realistic than it ever has before then the MegaSceneryEarth packages might be just what you are looking for. Giving you new HD textures for entire parts of the world, as well as updating the entire quality and definition of the area you are flying over, you can modernize the entire simulation experience to bring it up to par with more real-life graphics and optimized textures. Read more...

Media Format
Immediate Download
Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D
File size
25.7 GB
PC Aviator
Buy now forAll taxes included$23.15
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While the flight simulators available today are incredibly powerful, they are graphically outdated and the MegaSceneryEarth packages help fix this issue so that you can feel the full power and enjoyment of flying through the air of Alabama in full detail. If you want to make the Heart of Dixie look better than it has before, then this is the ideal solution for you – it’s made to improve realism, scope, detail and authenticity for all Alabama fans and residents who want the clearest representation of their state yet.

Found to the South East of the United States, Alabama is bordered by four different states and also a small section of the Gulf of Mexico. It spans more than an incredible 52,419 square miles of size and is the thirtieth largest state in the whole of the United States of America. For this reason, it’s one of the most enjoyable to fly around as it gives you an incredible scope of things to see and do, as well as landmarks that have been faithfully re-designed and included in the real location that they take up in real life within the State of Alabama.

With more than 200 airports to pick from, as well, you can take off from any of the airports throughout the state. Designed to faithful scale and design, this is the perfect alternative to those who come from the state and want to see it in full detail and actually represented as it should be. Every single airport has been carefully designed and placed in the right location so you get even the smallest, independent airports giving you an accurate depiction of what it would look like to take off from in real-life!

There is an elevation average of just 500ft through Alabama, meaning that you can really take it a close look of the texture and the world below you – just keep your eyes on the skies in front of you! While it’s a fairly flat state, there’s plenty to do & see as you fly around with every landmark throughout taken to the highest possible editorial standards. Whether it’s huge population hot spots like Birmingham and Montgomery or natural landmarks like the Gulf of Mexico you want to see, there is an incredible depth of detail included into every single part of the Alabama state so you can feel truly at home in the skies above.

Alabama is a state with many forests and lakes throughout, making it the perfect place to live if you feel like there’s more to life than big industrial cities. As a pilot, you can take in all of the forests and lakes throughout the state that have been re-created using many hours of footage and style to make sure that everything is included from big national forests to small unnamed parts of the terrain that just help add to the beauty of the state itself.

The Wetumpka Crater, the biggest natural disaster in Alabama history, has been included as well in the exact location you would find it in real life. This package takes incredible care to re-create the smallest details and features from the state itself, so that any state enthusiasts who want to witness a virtual representation of one of the biggest parts of Alabama history then you can in full detail. The imagery has all been included using a 50cm source throughout the scenery of the entire state, so you get everything that should be there in real-life represented in your game in the most stunning detail possible!

The Key Features

  • One of the most prominent installations that has been added is the cities – you will be able to see the biggest cities like Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Hoover, Mobile & Birmingham, the largest city in the State in the simulator itself, giving you unprecedented realism and effects when you are flying over one of the most important states in America

  • There are various lakes and other bodies of water across the State, all faithfully recreated for the simulator. From the Wheeler Lake to the Mitchell Lake included, you get every main named water feature and effect in the simulator so you can know exactly where you are know just by judging the landscape below you – even the Gulf of Mexico Shoreline is easily recognizable to make navigation easier than ever before

  • The mountains and the hills have also been included such as the Talladega Mountain and Bald Rock. In fact, there’s more than 50 named inclusions and peaks all across the state, all added int. Some of them are over 1,700 ft as well so you will need to go higher in the air to make the most of the flight passages that you are looking forward to!

  • State parks and national forests have been included as well as major rivers like the Cahaba and the Conecuh National Forest, giving you unprecedented access to some of the most beautiful nature throughout the planet – whether it’s major rivers you want to visit or you just want to take in some of the most impressive scenery additions in the series this package faithfully re-creates an entire state to absolute perfection

  • You also get full access to aeronautical charts that would have been used in real life by pilots so you can guide yourself through the skies easier than you ever have before – diagrams and directories are abundant to give you more than 400 pages of quality information about flying in the Alabama region! 

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