Free Cessna 152 for FSX

The Cessna 152 is one of the more popular names in one of the biggest and most inclusive families in the entire industry, and it makes sense that this aircraft - created here perfectly by Just Flight and captured in the most awesome detail - is so popular. After all, an aircraft that brings such a realistic take on its counterpart is a rare thing and this really does all the hard work and puts in all the effort to really capture every last feature and frame of the real thing. Read more...
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X inc. Steam Edition
- File size
- 36.3 MB
- Developer
- Just Flight
In this package, you'll be getting access to a model that has been viewed time and time again in the real world to research and perfect the right form, style and structure. Together with the rest of the package, you should notice a steady and significant improvement moving forward. From the various additions to the graphical side to the massive attention to detail on the performance and nature of the aircraft, this is the perfect addition for all Cessna fans out there - and best of all? This is entirely free, giving you the complete package!
It manages to put everything together in the most perfect manner, creating a model that really does tick all of the box and grab the finer, more specific details on the craft. From things like nav radio antennas to the comms and even break fluid lines, this package manages to really get all of the details that you might not notice usually but will simply love seeing when you do!
Add in the fact that the virtual cockpit gives you utter control over the whole aircraft with more or less nothing left outside of the grasp of your mouse, and you should have no problems making this aircraft do what you need, when you need it, as soon as you ask. For more help in controlling and maximize your fun in the skies in FSX, you should consider using this package - complete with tutorials and manuals - to learn all about why Cessna have always been so popular.
Key Features
The model that has been included in this package was designed entirely from scratch, using a whole range of different features and additions and extras along the way to really bring the project to life. This makes it much easier to get to grips with the aircraft as well as to understand how it performs and how it should feel when you are flying. Various changes and extras have been added in to really capture the correct feeling and format along the way, with very possible graphical feature being added for the utmost realism possible
The aircraft has been backed up with some of the most impressive textures that you are likely to find on a free model. The depth and precision across the bar are some of the most dynamic around, with a huge level of precision creeping into every angle and part of these textures. Attention to care and precision are vital factors in any model, and this really does what it can to capture that feeling and make sure that the model really looks the best it can. Textures are realistically colored and designed to guarantee accuracy in comparison to the reality
A highly realistic and authentic range of sound were include, which have all been recorded and built using the genuine aircraft itself as the model. This helps you get the real sound and make sure that the aircraft that you are flying in is carrying the genuine noise that it should be. This ensures that you have sounds that resonate with what is occurring in front of you, as well as making sure that the aircraft itself comes with a range of extra features that really do feel as if they belong in the model, adding even greater authenticity levels
Having built this aircraft upon the foundations of reality, it manages to carry this across emphatically with an authentic model that is built upon hours and hours of research. Various smaller factors have been taken into account to ensure that the aircraft not only looks outstanding, but operates realistically too! This level of depth and precision is vital when it comes to aircraft strength and performance, and this package does an excellent job of capturing that important fact so clearly. The design is very important but with this package you get a version of this aircraft that runs realistically, too!
No model for FSX is complete without a brilliant range of virtual cockpit features that make the aircraft really start to feel like home, and this package is loaded with them. The various clickable objects throughout the cockpit make it simple to control the aircraft, whilst also ensuring that you have a visually impressive and stylistic cockpit in front of you. The entire thing feels safe but it also feels like it fits in line with the real thing, capturing that layer of detail and realism across the board perfectly with each and every part of the virtual cockpit accessible
The cockpit, body of the aircraft and the outer model are all optimized and backed up by a cadre of amazing animations, all made from scratch and to fit in with the real thing. This delivers a truly authentic performance, ensuring that you will see wonderful animations for those such as propellers, rotating wheels, moving flaps, elevators, rudders, ailerons, nose wheel steering, entry doors, engine inspection panels, undercarriage shock absorber movement and trim tabs. Even the door handles and sun visors come to life, creating a truly dynamic view of the aircraft that will really bring it to genuine life
Additionally, a brilliant 2D instrument panel has been added in there to make sure the aircraft operates fairly and clearly, and that it gives you the level of realism that you would have been hoped for when you first started using this aircraft, ensuring that it gives you utter control
Lighting has been absolutely revamped to bring it together and make the whole quality of the lighting change for the better. With the operating navigation and landing lights reworked from scratch, this aircraft does a magnificent job of capturing that realism without any problems, making visibility far more effective than before
Likewise, cockpit night lighting has been worked on and improved until you are more or less capable of seeing where you are going and how you want to try and put it all together in the right way, regardless of what hour of the day you are flying in!
A whole host of minor changes and additions have been brought to life in spectacular fashion, with lovely little extras such as brake fluid lines, pitot head, Comms and Nav radio antennas, sun visors, footsteps, tie-down points, flap hinges, door hinges, temperature gauge probes, fuel tank caps and grab handles are all captured and brought to life in the most effective manner they possibly can
To make sure that you can use this aircraft as you like and whenever you feel the need, it has been made fully compatible with FSX as well as Windows Vista. This means that more modern machines can have no problems getting this wonderfully dynamic and realistic model to work
Not sure what to do and where to go with the aircraft? Then fear not. The comprehensive and easy to follow manual has been included which is easy to read in PDF format, making it simple to get access tow on mobile devices. This makes mastering the aircraft much simpler!
Avionics Included
The ADF system, VHF Communication/Navigation Transceiver, and the transponder have all been included to bring the entire aircraft to life and to give you the level and detail of precision that you need to really get the level of care needed from the aircraft, making it much easier for you to control every facet of the flight you're on
Altimeter (will change from Milibars to Inches indications in the pressure setting window on the altimeter depending on which International settings you have set in Flight Simulator - also, to make it easier to read, a simple mouse click enlarges it)
Individual Avionics can be turned ON or OFF to give you a better balance or a finer level of control over what features you have access to and what avionics you don't want
'Engine starter motor engaged' warning lights to make sure you always understand the position of your aircraft and what features are being used as you are flying
Low-voltage warning light has been added to keep you on the right track and ensure that you are always aware of what is going on around you
Mouse-over text to help explain what specific actions are capable of doing have been added where appropriate
Interested in trying to find a particular part of the avionics system included? Then you will find it within the large pop-up window which contains all of the main details
You can now toggle the Yokes visibility, simply by clicking a motion within the Virtual Cockpit

About Just Flight
Based in the United Kingdom, Just Flight, owned by Mastertronic Group has been in the simulation business since the early days of FS2000. Developing in-house creations and publishing flight sim add-ons from third-party developers for various platforms including MSFS, X-Plane, and Prepar3D.
Their latest focus has been on the next-gen platforms including P3Dv5 and Microsoft's latest flight simulator, MSFS (2020) release.
Trusted by thousands of flight simmers worldwide, Just Flight is a household name in flight simulation.
Customer Reviews
Rated 4.6/5.0 based on 74 customer reviews
- 10/17/2015
This highly detailed Cessna 152 from Just Flight, is now available as an immediate download for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Once only available to subscribers of Microsoft's FSInsider newsletter, you can now add this great multipurpose aircraft to your hangar for free. Don't think for a second that it's not up to par with Just Flight's payware releases; everything is as good as you would expect, except the price, which is better.
The model was built after a lot of extensive research on it's real world counterpart, and the result is very realistic. With high quality textures both on the outside and on the inside of the model, and a completely custom sound set, built from actual recordings of the aircraft, you are sure to have some very compelling and authentic feeling adventures.
The accuracy of the model extends to many of the finer details. Comms and Nav radio antennas are modeled, along with tie-down points and brake fluid lines too name just a few. Displaying numerous animations like ailerons, undercarriage shock absorber movement and even the door handles move. It makes a real difference when the little things are not overlooked., as it lets us know that the team behind the model went the extra mile to deliver the best product they could.
Also including an immersive virtual cockpit that features mouse click-able instruments and knobs, as well as an authentic 2D instrument panel. When on a long night flight, the cockpit night lighting helps blend everything together nicely to create a gratifying first person experience. Plenty of avionics are present which bulk out the realism and reinforce the experience as a whole. Most notably a smart Altimeter that will change it's read-out based on your Flight Sims international settings. Individual Avionics can be turned on or off, so if you don't want any distractions, it can just be you and the sky.
A complete PDF manual is provided, for those who perhaps need a little guidance when learning the ins-and-outs of a new aircraft. Mouse over text has also been added where appropriate, which will give you just a little bit more feedback to help with mastering this great machine.
- 05/29/2022
5/5 Verified Purchase
This is such a fun little aircraft to fly when you want to spend some stress-free time exploring the FSX world at a leisurely pace. I normally fly IFR on the King Air B200 and Cessna C208 Grand Caravan which involves a lot of autopilot and ILS landings (which I enjoy immensely). I was however, looking for a different kind of fun. Something small, single engine and simple. I'm glad to say that I found it with this amazing freeware C150 on Simshack. I connected with this little aircraft immediately. Just Flight have crammed an enormous amount of detail into the C150. The aircraft looks like it's had some use with peeling 'Cessna' labels on the yokes and labels of (presumably)pilot's names stuck to the panel. The evocative engine sound is simply superb and adds to the realism. The aircraft is sensitive in both pitch and roll and during steep turns you really need a lot of elevator to prevent rapid loss of altitude. I haven't flown a real C150 so I am unable to vouch for handling accuracy but I'm sure the good people at Just Flight have done their research to present a reasonably accurate performance and handling envelope. Landings can be achieved at a sedate 60-70 Kts with minimum flap and of course at that speed short runways present no problem. Lastly, the C150 is so cute but please don't let that deter you from downloading and flying it. It's a huge amount of fun in a small package. Thanks to Simshack and Just Flight for making this wee gem available for free.
- 11/19/2019
5/5 Verified Purchase
Superior rendition of a classic. For those that have never set, nor flown in one, the interior is smaller than the original Volkwagon, The controls are one of the greatest for flight students. I find that overall this aircraft is a perfect training tool for the familarization of the cockpit instrumentation, and the unique flyability of the aircraft. It's true as I've read in another write-up, the creaks and moans of the plane would just seem so in tune. What brought back alot of memories was the environment such as wind, air currents and just how much the aircraft would respond to anything in the slightest way. If a bug hit the windscreen you didn't just see it you in fact felt it. This is one of the very best add one I've seen in years, no shortcuts here. Great site, very inspiring. My first time at the controls was back in 1965, then again in 69, a time I wouldn't give up.
- 03/19/2021
5/5 Verified Purchase
As an avid flight sim enthusiast I have a keen eye for a bargain and there is no greater bargain to be had than free software. With high quality freeware available from many talented hardcore gamers it is easy to rely on their work for the bulk of simulation addons, however the need for quality and realism is key to the simulaton enthusiast's immersion thus the purchase of selected payware is often necessary to maintain that crucial level of enjoyment. Sim Shack not only offers a wide range of quality payware at competitive prices, they also provide a small selection of freeware items from big name suppliers which is quality and economy in one place. This is why I visit Sim Shack as a priority for my simulation gaming needs.
- 08/01/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
I've been flying Microsoft's flight sims for the start. Using FSX for a while now but have made so many mods there's not much Microsoft left! Can't wait for their latest version, looks great. Downloaded the freeware C152 & was pleasantly surprised - ok it's old and slow but the limited avionic suite & lack of autopilot make it a joy to fly. Thrilling to fly a whole flight totally hands on. Flight planning is a great challenge & I use topical maps of an area to get the bearings to VOR 1 & ADF frequencies. Never flown a C152 but it feels right, handles like I would imagine with the specs of the real plane. Thank you so much for this, I'll certainly be buying more payware product when I have funds. Cheers Laurence
- 02/03/2017
Have a lot of actual experience in this exact aircraft. Well done designers! From an actual pilots point of view, this software is 100% accurate to real world specs. I am surprised it is free as something of this quality usually costs money. As for those who submitted a negative review claiming they can't fly this Cessna 152, my suggestion would be for those people to stick to arcade style flight gaming all together, and steer clear of these "simulation" programs. Aircraft comes with checklist which explains all procedures and required speeds for takeoffs, landings, and all other in-flight scenario based info. Beyond a great product... As real as it gets! Thank You guys!
- 02/14/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
I downloaded a Cessna 152 made available at no cost from Sim Shack. The installation was easy and it showed up in the list of aircraft (FSX Steam) on my pc automatically! The airplane is beautiful and looks fully functional, much like the one I learned to fly over 30 years ago. I will fly it tomorrow from the same airport where I learned to fly and got my private pilot certificate. Planning a recreation of the event filled cross country trip I made from Bend to Lakeview to Burns to Bend Will get the updated version and will buy a Mooney if available at your site. I am very impressed with your site and the C152!
- 06/20/2021
I don't have a plane right. I bought the flight simulator from Microsoft a few years ago and I had to change the hard drive and now I can't get it to load. Microsoft said that I may have not had the simulator legally. I have the license number and the number in the case that it in. so I bought another one and downloaded it but I can't get it to install. Microsoft said that my computer is not big enough too. the hard drive is more than the one I took out, it worked perfectly then. I also have an external hard drive. I might be interested in buying one from you.
- 04/22/2018
4/5 Verified Purchase
I think it is great little plane to fly, and found it comparable to the New Just Flight C-152 that is being sold for more than $40 . The aerodynamics and ground handling work fine, and the cockpit functions are equally acceptable.
Only problem I had was the engine "sound" --- it is very poor ( not realistic ) . I switched it out with the sound file that comes with the new JFLT C-152 and now I can fly with a real aircraft engine "noise"
Thank you SIMSHACK.
- 06/07/2016
I appreciate the freeware but found the plane to be almost unflyable. The controls are overly touchy and my flight was all over the place. The graphics are so bad I can't read anything on the cockpit, the radios don't work with the Saitek radio panel. Twice in the middle of a decent final approach I "crashed" from 200 ft agl in front of the runway. I haven't flown a 152 in real life but heard the handling should be very similar to the 172.
- 12/04/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
This is a great addition to my collection of Cessnas and easily my favorite. This lightweight little plane can land on a dime, but has comparable speed to the larger 172. The work on the outside and inside of the plane is excellent. Also, all of the controls and guages are functional. The plane flies extremely well and is perfect for making short flights or practicing touch and go's. This is a great piece of freeware! Thanks Just Flight!
- 07/04/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
thank you for this excellent 152 addon, easy to drive on P3d V5 and good exterior graphics of the device suggestion to improve the engine sound I grafted the Sound file of a cessna 172 , it's great !!!
and bravo also for another addon that I bought a few months ago on Sim Shack, the DO 228 from Carenado it runs perfectly on P3DV5 and is magnificent in terms of graphics quality with perfect readability of the dashboard,
- 03/31/2016
3/5 Verified Purchase
Well I think if you are used to the brilliant little Cessna 172 that comes with FSX then this retrograde Cessna will disappoint you. Of course it is free so do try it out but it certainly isn't to my taste and I do like flying some of the earlier prop aircraft that are available. I have now deleted it from my aircraft library.
- 12/07/2021
5/5 Verified Purchase
I am sum what bias toward the Cessna 150/152, as this was the aircraft I started my flight training in. The sound files are very realistic, and the flight characteristics are pretty much what I remember from my early flight training days.
This aircraft would be a great addition to your hanger.
- 06/06/2018
5/5 Verified Purchase
Phantastic and well done aircraft. Ihad and shall have a lot of fun with this bird. As it is in reality, it makes a lot of fun to fly with it and my other game players. Thanks guys for Your support and efforts done in this special case. Happy landings and blue skies to all of You :-)
- 07/13/2021
2/5 Verified Purchase
I don't know what to think. I haven't seen them yet. I downloaded them but can't get them to install. I bought the Sterman and suppose get the 152 Cessna free. I have not seen it yet. I started trying to download the Sterman and it took 30 hours and I don't know if I got it.
- 02/13/2015
5/5 Verified Purchase
A terrific little airplane that takes you back to the basics of flying and navigating. There is a GPS unit, but the basic navigation components force you to put the brain back into the cockpit and takes the pilot back to the fun days of navigation using ADF and VOR.
- 03/10/2019
4/5 Verified Purchase
I would have to say that the panel on the 152 is exactly what you would find in the real 152 and for the first time there is a human sitting in the cockpit instead of a cartoon. More importantly, what's not to love in a great installer program for the Cessna.
- 06/04/2022
5/5 Verified Purchase
I have always known that SimShack provides some of the best aircraft software for flight simmers. when I shop for a new aircraft, I check pout SimShack for specials and aircraft I require to have to fly virtual airlines. Good job and thanks for the planes.
- 03/16/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
I had this airplane for awhile and then I upgraded my computer and lost it. Just recently re-loaded it and as I expected it worked well and is fun to fly. I particularly like flying single engine civil craft so this really is well done and enjoyable.
- 12/02/2015
4/5 Verified Purchase
The best aircrat for First-time Student Pilot, since you have to handle your control/ joystick in a "smooth" way, as she too light to fly. The famous one for flying school, and you can have it here. You'll get your sense of flying here. And it's free
- 06/08/2013
As a real world Private Pilot I find this 152 a work of art. I fly it often in FSX as it is a joy to fly. Its limitations are only the limitations of FSX it self. I think it was very generous of the designer to offer it for free. Thank you.
- 08/13/2018
Great for free flyers. Flight dynamics are not the best. REPLACE THE .AIR FILE WITH THE 172 FILES AND IT'LL WORK WELL
Exterior:5/10 Cockpit:5/10 Sound:1/10-replace with sound set or default sound for 172 Value:free
- 12/03/2018
5/5 Verified Purchase
Nice little bird, always good to sit behind the yoke of something other than a 172. It's the first I've seen even in the SIM WORLD. Looks to be just a weekender with enough room for two and some luggage.
- 02/06/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
had her out for a spin,and liked it and had to say far different to fly this little one and the bigger one I fly most of the time.But like as fact that you have to fly the bird yourself,no help to get :)
- 08/05/2021
3/5 Verified Purchase
I can't say much about it . I have had it all this time and can't get to install , I have not even seen it yet. I tried several times it would not work. I just figured that it was another COME ON .
- 03/10/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
This addon feature is such an awesome thing. The plane responds to controls in amazing way and makes flying it so easy and worthwhile. Thank you so much for giving it away for free. John ;)
- 02/18/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
Nice job guys. This is a quality product that's both a joy to look at and to use. That you generously offered it to us for free says a lot about SimShack. Thank you for your efforts.
- 11/27/2016
4/5 Verified Purchase
Got this plane today. The plane has everything I need for doing short and relaxed VFR flights. The only bad thing is that it has only one livery. Would have paid about 10$ for it.
- 05/30/2016
4/5 Verified Purchase
Well put together though nothing really special. Easy to install for both boxed and steam. But rumning identical settings in both box and steam the box version seemed smoother.
- 09/06/2021
5/5 Verified Purchase
One of the best payware quality planes I have. Detailed VC, Flies great, just excellent all around. If you don't have it you really should because it may not be free forever.
- 09/28/2020
4/5 Verified Purchase
Everything seems to function as well as the MSFS 2020 version,but the engine noise is way off sounding more like a small pusher prop aircraft..........................
- 02/27/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
Hello thank you very much for this download i am flying this a lot and find it very good to fly fly.The sound and performance is amazing so many thanks .
- 04/02/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Excellent product and it is a great help now that we are quarantined by COVID-19. Hopefully they can continue doing the same with some other fsx product
- 04/27/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
I absolutely love this 152! I have been looking for one for a long time and this one is a very good trainer. Incredible handling and very easy to fly.
- 08/06/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Fora freeware Cessna 152, this one is probably the most detailed and realistic. I love it! Very good trainer that is a good t complimentfor the 172.
- 09/26/2018
5/5 Verified Purchase
Great download of the c 152. Once the key was pressed, file was on the drive and worked. Lot of perfect details and all this for FREE! Thank you
- 04/04/2015
4/5 Verified Purchase
Had to run installer to default old FSX location and copy/paste over to Steam to get it in.. I like the details and functionality of the plane.
- 12/23/2019
- 08/08/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Wonderfull , very real cockpit and flyes easy! I'm waiting for the MFS 2020 but this one for my old goos FSX is very very usefull...
- 02/19/2015
Amazing. I would pay money for this its really good. All instruments work, Textures are nice... I have so much good feedback about it
- 02/21/2018
3/5 Verified Purchase
The CLS Piper Arrow that you generously offered to us for free says a lot about SimShack. Thank you for your efforts.
- 11/24/2017
5/5 Verified Purchase
Superb Gift! Exellent "Air Craft" Eternal Thanks and abundant Good Karma for your Intentions and Goodwill. Namasté
- 12/02/2020
4/5 Verified Purchase
Yeah ok alright eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- 11/10/2018
4/5 Verified Purchase
Very nice. Looks good, easy to fly. Nice of Fly Away Simulation and SIMSHACK to offer this free.
- 05/27/2019
5/5 Verified Purchase
It installed quick and it works perfectly!!! I will definitely get more add ons from simshack
- 11/16/2017
4/5 Verified Purchase
The Cessna 152 worked in fsx good product only had time for a test flight from biggin hill
- 03/22/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
Great flying experience, Well worthy of payware status! Thanks for the Cessna guys!
- 05/09/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Add on works just fine. It was fun to fly and am very Pleased with it - Thank you!
- 04/20/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
A very nice aircraft. Very stable flight. Easy to control, and fun to fly. THANKS!
- 11/27/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
An awesome light aircraft. Having flown in real life, it is a very good simulation
- 02/11/2015
Been using it a fair deal, excellent VFR aircraft & free, well done Just flight.
- 07/27/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Wonderful Airplane!! Looks great, easy to fly. One of the better planes I have.
- 11/01/2019
very good sim, I think best Excellently made aircraft. Well done, Just Flight!
- 04/10/2018
good and One of the best and realistic planes that you can fly in FSX/Steam
- 02/11/2015
Nice and realistich. Good job. I hope see an other like this. Thanks
- 01/28/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Very good rendition! Fun to fly. Excellent controls and great graphics.
- 06/03/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Awesome!!!!!!!! Perfect training aircraft! :D Keep the amazing work.
- 02/07/2021
5/5 Verified Purchase
A very nice Cessna 152! just like the good old days for me..thank you.
- 12/30/2021
4/5 Verified Purchase
works fine, installed without a pin or number of any kind, thank you
- 02/11/2015
5/5 Verified Purchase
One of the best and realistic planes that you can fly in FSX/Steam.
- 08/15/2018
1/5 Verified Purchase
I downloaded this and it said ''it wasn't compatible'' with mine!!!
- 12/01/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Wow! Excellently made aircraft. Loved every single thing about it.
- 05/23/2017
5/5 Verified Purchase
Terrific simulation. Makes the default 150 look like a postcard.
- 07/01/2018
5/5 Verified Purchase
beautiful plane, very easy and light to fly, good detaliled
- 07/06/2018
5/5 Verified Purchase
Great for a little bit of GA fun! Great Job Just Flight!
- 01/23/2016
Controls are sensitive. Nevertheless, it's a MUST HAVE.
- 10/24/2014
5/5 Verified Purchase
I really enjoyed this addition, fun to fly. Thank you.
- 10/21/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
- 10/29/2014
Excellent ga top class job here thank you well done
- 07/19/2015
5/5 Verified Purchase
Excellently made aircraft. Well done, Just Flight!
- 01/11/2019
Aircraft excellently made. Well done, just flight!
- 09/24/2019
5/5 Verified Purchase
Aircraft excellently made. Well done, just flight!
- 10/09/2019
5/5 Verified Purchase
Superhappy for this "Old Beauty" from Just Flight.
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