Flying Club Cessna 152 for FSX/FS2004

Flying Club Cessna 152 for FSX/FS2004

Unless you are brand new to the world of flight simulations or indeed flying in general, you will no doubt have heard of the incredibly popular Cessna brand. Renowned as one of the most popular aircraft brands around, it's almost a gateway that any new pilot has to take if they want to really succeed! Read more...

Microsoft Flight Simulator X & 2004
File size
52 MB
Just Flight
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This excellent mod from Just Flight gives you access to one of the more heralded members of the Cessna family, the Cessna 152. Produced between 1977 and 1985, the Cessna 152 was a hugely useful part of the brand that was used for personal usage and flight training for those who were looking to learn the basics. If you are still trying to learn your way in FSX, then you might find that the 152 could be the perfect product for you.

It's without a doubt one of the most popular training aircraft out there, and when you hop into the cockpit for the first time you'll be able to see why quite quickly! Fast, effective and easy on the eye the Cessna 152 gives you all of the ingredients required of an epic flying process.

Add in the fact that this mod captures the aircraft perfectly and you will have one of the most enjoyable aircraft downloads out there to play around with in all of its style and glory - it's made for performance, but also for having plenty of fun with, which will be easy when you give it a few hours of learning!

What's New?

As is typically managed by Just Flight, this mod manages to help you get a far more receptive flight than you might be used to. By augmenting all of those little features that you always wish you had more control over, every flight included with the Flying Club General Aviation collection will make learning your trade and becoming a more hardened pilot easier than ever.

It's far easier to actually dominate and control in comparison to many of the vanilla aircraft, and can provide you with a simple way to get moving in the right direction.

Learning how to fly is supposed to be fun and when you are using a rigid or dull aircraft it can be a bit of a task to even get beyond the basics. With the help of this excellent product, you'll be able to start taking off like a veteran and ensure that you will be able to really enjoy learning how to fly for a change.

Many of the changes that are included would be hard to notice individually but together everything works as one to make a really fluid flight simulation experience.

Life can be really difficult as a fledgling flight simulation pilot, as you get used to the huge array of buttons that you need to get used to on the cockpit, but this gives you it as realistically as possible. Ever flown the real thing? Then you'll feel right at home here.

Special Additions

Aside from massively re-jigging the avionics to fit with the real thing, you'll be able to notice a lot of differences that are very specific to this actual aircraft. Because this package tries to make sure that the aircraft is as real as possible, you'll be able to really get into the right frame of mind moving forward because of key additions such as;

  • Transponders, transceivers and communication systems have been totally reworked so that you can have as much control over your flight as you possibly can

  • Individual avionics are now capable of being added or removed, giving you total authority over the cockpit and letting you use as many features as you want

  • Altimeter operations have been totally updated - this means that you'll be getting the correct readings back from your gauges, and they will be provided in the right value as well. No longer will you need to get the calculator out and do some sums to work out what readings are being returned to you!

  • Mouse-over text has been added in to help you master where each and every part of the cockpit is, and so that you can quickly master the key functions quicker than ever. Instead of struggling to get the right function from your cockpit these pop-up details will make it easier than ever before

  • Avionics are also all available in a pop-up window that is easy to read and manage even whilst you are in the middle of a flight

Key Features

  • Completely re-mastered model and textures to give you an upgraded look and feel within both FSX and FS2004; this helps you get the same level of performance that you should whilst simultaneously providing you with an absolutely epic looking aircraft that looks just as it should!

  • New lighting and sound features help to create a better atmosphere as well as actually improve your flight performance. With better visibility and a far clearer idea of what sound is causing what, you should be able to really get a grip of your aircraft quicker than ever thanks to an increased level of awareness

  • An awesome feature known as Aerfoace - available to all parts of the collection - that lets you import your own face onto the animated pilot who controls the aircraft itself. Looking to take credit for an expert flight in more ways than one? Then put yourself in the hot seat!

  • Amazing attention to detail that really makes your aircraft look truly spectacular, in more ways than one. The interior and exterior will be expertly managed and leave you with an aircraft that looks every bit as glorious as it should, helping you get to grips with what should be where and getting full control over the aircraft

  • Totally reworked cockpit that lets you have all of the features that any pilot of a Cessna would need to carry out a realistic and professional flight; this is easy to fly whilst giving you all the power that you need during the flight 

Just Flight

About Just Flight

Based in the United Kingdom, Just Flight, owned by Mastertronic Group has been in the simulation business since the early days of FS2000.  Developing in-house creations and publishing flight sim add-ons from third-party developers for various platforms including MSFS, X-Plane, and Prepar3D.

Their latest focus has been on the next-gen platforms including P3Dv5 and Microsoft's latest flight simulator, MSFS (2020) release.

Trusted by thousands of flight simmers worldwide, Just Flight is a household name in flight simulation.

View all products/add-ons by Just Flight.

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