Eurofighter Typhoon Professional 4 for FSX/FS2004

One of the most popular parts of the worldwide aircraft world, the Eurofighter Typhoon has been used the world over and has proved itself to be more than capable of handling itself in a dog fight. It’s a single-seated combat fighter that prides itself on the agility and speed it offers, while still packing a fair punch from every bullet it unloads. It’s used for all forms of combat and even today still ranks as one of the most popular aircraft ever made by military personnel. It’s hugely balanced and has a wide selection of the features you would look for in a trustworthy and effective aircraft. Read more...
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X & 2004
- File size
- 85 MB for FS2004 / 93 MB for FSX
- Developer
- AFS-Design
It’s been used by the Italians, Germans, Spanish, British & Saudi Air Forces among others, and has been used for many years now and it’s expected that even as we approach the 22nd Century it could still be an integral part of airline battles. With more than 630 of these aircraft in the skies at any one time, it’s one of the most powerful and commonly made traditional airfighters that we have.
Capable of incredible damage as well as break-neck speeds, it’s easy to see the why even many years after its initial release why the Eurofighter Typhoon is still held in such high regard the world over. With its incredibly low wing loading capabilities, high thrust/weight ratio and stunning cockpit vision it’s going to be around for quite some time – so why not take one out for a spin in FSX/FS2004?
Models Provided
As a download package, there’s nothing more important than getting the right quality of paint jobs for your flying needs – this package provides you with eight different models of the Typhoon, as well as a final edition that can be totally repainted by yourself if you want something that matches your own color schemes. The schemes you get are;
- Royal Saudi Arm
- Indian Air Force
- Zeltweg Austraia
- Spanish Airforce
- Italian Airforce
- Germany Bundeswehr
New Features
Later editions of this product have seen many new features added in along the way to boost realism and effectiveness, including;
- 9G power limit
- New sounds like a gear and stall warning
- Engine sounds that play outside & within the cockpit, such is their strength & volume
- Full descriptions provided for beginner and advanced users, and anyone in-between who feels like they need a little guidance in getting the project in place
- Specifications provided to help you fully master & understand what you are taking up into the skies
Key Features
The possibilities of re-fuelling your plane as you fly around the globe with the help of the Airbus A330 MRT which has been exclusively added for this package. Makes it possible to stay fully tanked up while in the air without having to resort to flying back to base or to the nearest airport to get some fuel!
HUD display modified to give you the type of feedback and information a genuine Striker helmet would provide you with in the air, making sure that your time spent in the simulator feels as close to the real thing as it possibly can
When you get close to the ground, the aircraft will alert you in no uncertain terms that you are close to crashing! Pull-up announcements included to really help you make sure that you stay safe when you are flying around in the air
ID codes that can be input into the plane and then found on the map by following the co-ordinates. Detailed guide of how to read the co-ordinates provided with the download so that you can get around from A to B in your Tornado with no fuss
Massive visual improvements provided to the plane so it includes key features like ejection seats, decoy systems, sensor strips on the cockpit, and all the little tweaks and additions you could possibly need to see like scuff marks, maintenance panels & self-moving flaperons that keep the plane looking real as it flies around
Authentic lighting both within and outside the cockpit so that you get the right vision possible – everything that you would see in front of you in cockpit view is going to be there on the real thing
A 27MM rapid fire cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition provided - be careful!
Extra fuel or more firepower – the choice is entirely yours with two page selections available to make the aircraft perfectly fitted to your own flight needs
Real switches just as you would find on a cockpit of a real Tornado like a canopy ventilation system, eject switches, parking brakes, push lever joysticks and a HUD display available at all times – everything you need to fly a tornado with maximum efficiency is provided in this representation
Huge amounts of gauges included to make sure that you can keep perfect track of everything from your fuel gauge to your waypoints on the map. Everything you could need to edit or keep track of is found here in authentic, animated movement that can really make the entire business of flying the plane in the first place much more exciting – while simulations are usually limited, this includes every little trick that the Tornado could possibly have used
Automatic checklists that take place such as take-off and landing protocols to make sure that you are learning while you are flying
This plane was designed to hit top speeds and to be a genuine long-term part of the military air forces across the entire globe. If you find this type of aircraft interesting and would like to try out an authentic representation that comes with all the real buttons and the right specifications, then this package is the perfect way to take your military aircraft needs into arguably the most specific and realistic flight simulator on the marketer at the moment.
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