Eurofighter Typhoon Professional 2 for FSX/FS2004

Following the success of their Eurofighter Typhoon Professional, AFS-Design have released the second version for Flight Simulator X and 2004. The new version of this twin engine, multirole fighter has a host of new features, making an even better package than before. AFS-Design have put the extra effort to do justice to the world's most advanced combat aircraft. Read more...
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X & 2004
- File size
- 38.5 MB for FS2004 / 39.8 MB for FSX
- Developer
- AFS-Design
Along with the original repaints, of which there are more than a dozen, are two brand new liveries representing the JG-73 with the new blue squadron crest and the current special livery, as well as Indian Air Force and special prototype liveries. So you can fly the most up to date Eurofighter in existence. Still incorporating the real acting dirt and scuff marks that can make the visual experience so memorable; they give the aircraft the feel of a long and accomplished service history, making it all the more thrilling to fly.
Many small details to the exterior mesh of the model have been reworked or added in to balance out the fidelity of all the aircraft elements. From revising the fin and smoothing the cockpit, to adding in detailed turbine blades. Even if only for aesthetic benefits, the changes are appreciated as they do help prevent those jarring moments that can break your immersion.
Certain animations, primarily ailerons, have been tweaked so that they behave accurately under supersonic conditions. As well as subtle changes to the flight dynamics that result in a slightly slower start acceleration, a more subdued braking effect and automatic trim. Many other changes have been implemented to improve your experience, down to the smallest details like making the numbers displayed in the HUD slightly larger. While a lot of these changes may not be noticeable at first, slowly they will all come into play.
Going so far as to add a new chapter in the Flight Manual entitled 'Aerodynamic Eurofighter in the subsonic and supersonic', AFS-Design have clearly thought of everything and outdone the original package; delivering so many new features to improve on areas they felt they were lacking. The result is stunning model with great performance and features that is tremendous fun to fly. We are lucky, that AFS-Design have such commitment and dedication to their work.
Manufacturers Description
Following on from their original package, AFS-Design have released Eurofighter Typhoon Professional 2. This new version includes many new features including more accurate flight dynamics, additional animations, extra repaints and an extended flight manual.
- Aircraft ID variable identifiers in the German Euro Fighter
- Interactive fly wingman in the second Eurofighter
- Interactive engine - new sound effects
- Individual adjustment of external loads and animations
- Paintings with real acting dirt and scuff marks
- Detailed descriptions of cutaways
Procedure - Display managment:
- MAN truck with tow bar - Enable / Disable
- Ladder - Enable / Disable
- Parabrake - Enable / Disable
- Wingman - Enable / Disable
- Radom - Open / Close
External load screen, to select the following suspensions:
- Meteor
- Paveway III
- AGM-65 Maverick
- A 27 mm Mauser BK-27 cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition
- As well as additional tanks at three stations, each with 1,000 liters of fuel
Full 3D virtual cockpit:
- Increased resolution and new 3D elements
- All switches and controls are shown in 3D
- New 3D e.g. details MFDs, HUD display, Pedall, leg room, ejection seat, control stick
Extensive overviews:
- External model with the one- and two- seater version of the Eurofighter
- New 2D Panel
- Interactive virtual cockpit (3D) with three different views
- 1. view of the pilot of the single-seat version
- 2. view of the pilot from the two-seater version
- 3. view of the instructor from the two-seater version
New external model:
- Many new textures, such as the Indian Air Force as a potential new major customer of Eurofighter
- Special painting: JG 73 "Steinhoff" and JG 74 at Neuburg - 50 years of JG 74
- Up to two wingmen fly interactively with you.
Interactive displays (MFD - multi function display):
- Multi-function radar with various Radarmodis for scanning and interception of AI traffic air traffic
- Interactive checklists for departure, cruise and approach flights to MFDs callable
The Eurofighter is a single-seat, twin-engine, agile combat aircraft which will be used in the air-to-air, air-to-ground and tactical reconnaissance roles.
Developed by Europe’s leading aerospace companies, Eurofighter Typhoon is now in service with the Air Forces of Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom and will fulfill Air Force requirements well into the 21st Century. Aircraft production is ongoing and with 638 aircraft under contract to the four Partner Nations and Austria, as the first export customer. The design of Eurofighter Typhoon is optimized for air dominance performance with high instantaneous and sustained turn rates, and specific excess power. Special emphasis has been placed on low wing loading, high thrust to weight ratio, excellent all round vision and carefree handling.
The weapon system Eurofighter is a high performance fighter aircraft for use in both air defense and in the air assault role. The Eurofighter is a multi-role combat aircraft of the latest generation. In the Air Forces releases from the Eurofighter of MiG-29 Fulcrum and F-4F Phantom II and a large part of the Tornado fighter bomber. Through its ability to network-centric operations, there is a close association with both its own air, land and naval forces as well as with those used military allies. In action ensures superior effectiveness of the weapon system for air combat and scope to larger distances (beyond visual range) to protect its own forces and resources and increase the enforcement of the related air operations. This effect can produce the weapon system during the day and night and under all weather conditions and in complex scenarios. Currently, the Air Force uses the Eurofighter in the air defense role. By 2012, the multi-role capability of the weapon system be established.
In developing the Eurofighter, the demand was as fast as possible targets, even at great distances to reach the foreground. Therefore, the Eurofighter was designed for a minimum weight for high thrust out. The engines generate enough energy to even without an afterburner to fly at supersonic speed. Positive side effect the very good relationship between thrust and weight, is to be dispensed during normal flight operations to the use of the afterburner for takeoff. This results in lower noise and lower Schadstoffemisionen also in reduced fuel consumption. The Eurofighter comes in two versions as one-and two-seater built, whose external dimensions are the same.
Other Product - Features:
- Animations: tail hook, parabrake, air refueling pipe, chassis, canoby, ladder, radom, MAN truck
- Lights: formation, strobe, beacon, navigation and landing
- Engine control switch: 2 starters, 2 fuel closed switches, masterswitch, electricalswitch
- Effects: afterburner, cockpit lighting, reflective surfaces, mirrors
- Stable flight model with auto trim
- Cockpit control panel and virtual cockpit in the pilot and flight instructor
- Input of all dial-up access, as Freqenzen, transponder code, or left on automatic pilot dials in number field
- HUD display (front panel display) with different display options depending on the flight situation
- HUD displays e.g. Ladder, compass, mach, TAS, wind direction, wind speed, climb performance, VOR NDB NDB
- MFD displays: SCAN (AI traffic radar), FUEL, ENGine, HYDraulics, FREQenzen, MAP with zoom + / -
- STOR for individual selection of weapons and external fuel tanks
- Procedure to the individual on or off by: wingman, Radom, Director, MAN - truck with tow bar
- HSI display: for instrument flying with 2 VOR, ADF and DMS 2, OMI Lights
- German Armed with individual ATC - ID, you can enter a unique ID code.
- ID idents from 00 + 00 until 99 + 99, for example: 30 + 11 is a ID from Laage in Germany
Repaints Included
Germany Bundeswehr with individual ID code:
- JG 73 "Steinhoff"
- JG 74
- Jabog 31 "Boelcke" and
- JG 73 "Steinhoff" special livery - 50 years of JG 73 "Steinhoff", and 5 years Eurofighter
- JG 74 at Neuburg special livery - 50 years of JG 74
Royal Air Force:
- RAF United Kingdom 3.Sqn
- RAF United Kingdom 11.Sqn
- RAF United Kingdom 17.Sqn
- RAF United Kingdom 29.Sqn
Other air forces:
- Italian Air Force, 4° Stormo Grosseto
- Spanish Air Force, Ala. 11
- Austria in Zeltweg
- Saudi Arabia
- Indian Air Force
- Prototypes
Improvements EUROFIGHTER - Professional 2:
New outdoor mesh model:
- Larger Radom
- Smoothing cockpit
- Revised fin
- Detailed turbine blades
New flaps animations:
Compensate syncrones flutter in the subsonic to instability - - Canards in the subsonic
- Canards in the supersonic - blocked to 0 °, as in real Eurofighter (German standard software)
- Flaperons ailerons, flaps automatically
- Flaperons supersonic, only the inner flaperons are active
Flight Dynamic:
- Gear down with less braking effect
- Slower start acceleration
- Automatic Trim
Other improvements include:
- Handles the doubles back
- Taurus at position 2 instead of position 1
- HUD with larger numbers. Altitude now 5 points
- VV Gauge (direction indicator HUD) realigned
- 4 angle sensors fuselage mobile
- Pitot tube in the left air intake
New chapter in the Flight Manual:
- Aerodynamic Eurofighter in the subsonic and supersonic
New repaints:
- JG-73 with the new blue squadron crest
- 30 + 73 with current special livery JG-73
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