Ellsworth AFB Scenery for FSX/P3D

Ellsworth AFB Scenery for FSX/P3D5.0/5 1 reviews

Based just 10 miles east of Rapid City, South Dakota, the Ellsworth Air Force Base has long been a part of local history as much as it has been military history. Each of the air bases in the US tend to play a major role within the local economy and with this AFB, you can be sure that this is the case here as well. Read more...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X inc. Steam Edition & Prepar3D
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13 MB
Team SDB
Buy now forAll taxes included$8.75
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Rather than leaving them unloved like many other AFBs of this style, though, you can turn to the Ellsworth AFB scenery package here to get something that finally does this place the justice that it deserves.

Indeed, the hard work and commitment to bring this AFB into shape has been huge. As the home of the 28th Bomb Wing, used to deliver global military response in the event of major attacks, this is an AFB that is very important. It’s divided into different sections – the 28th Maintenance, Mission Support and Medical Groups, respectively.

Each unit is a major location to be which helps you enjoy an AFB that is both popular in size and popular to fly over. You’ll notice the difference between each unit as you fly in from above and especially when you land, with Team SDB going to great lengths to show you just how detailed each part of the airport is.

Another big change with this mod is the addition of the new scenery which includes major changes such as;

  • A whole new take on the old hangers and support buildings that made this airport the place that you would want to come and look at and see. This makes such a big difference and helps the place come alive far more than it ever has in the past.

  • Technical sites and accommodation which is representative of the time period this was designed within. This looks excellent and adds yet another layer of realism to the air base.

  • Operational night lighting to help improve your visibility and overall control of the flight, masterfully changing how easy it is to fly and land here.

  • Navigational aids such as ILS and VOR/DME now work as they should, giving you a much clearer representation of the AFB and what it should look like down below.

  • New AI aircraft that fly around (but cannot be controlled) add another nice layer of life to the place, giving you a much greater appreciation of the population of this air base. The aircraft that fly around include B-1Bs, C-130Js, C-21s and KC-135Rs.

If you are interested in helping the war heroes of the UK and US, then please buy this product. Team SDB donates a fair amount of the earnings from all products purchased to both the Wounded Warriors and the Help for Heroes foundations. This is a vital cause and if you wish to help, simply purchase this mod from here. 

Team SDB

About Team SDB

Team SDB, a joint effort from developers based in the UK and USA but primarily consisting of Mike Dews in the UK and Frank Safranek in the USA have been developing flight simulator scenery add-ons for over a decade.  Originally beginning with work published by Alphasim (Phil Perrott) also known for Virtavia, they now release independantly.

Team SDB generally focus on UK/US airfields, airbases and military precenses and bring them to life as scenery add-ons in the simulators.  They have released many titles that have been well received by the community compatible with a range of simulators such FS2004, FSX and Prepar3D.  They also have other projects releases such as aircraft carrier add-ons compatible with the latest sims.

Team SDB also hope to remaster and release their scenery add-on portfolio for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release.

View all products/add-ons by Team SDB.

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Customer Reviews

Rated 5.0/5.0 based on 1 customer reviews

5 of 5 Stars!

This is a good sim, there is quite a bit of sparness though this is not the fault of the sim. Good amount of AI traffic.

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