Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Accu-Sim for P3D/FSX

Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Accu-Sim for P3D/FSX

As we all know, flight simulation is at its best when the aircraft that you are flying feel exactly as they should; when it comes to the P-40 Warhawk, this couldn't be any truer! This is a perfect replica of a hugely important figure within the Second World War. It's evident that the aircraft used at this time was one of the most important factors of the war actually turning around - without the power of the skies; the Allies would almost certainly have succumbed over time. It was thanks to aircraft like the P-40 that the tide was eventually turned. Read more...

Microsoft Flight Simulator X inc. Steam Edition and Prepar3D v4, v5
File size
188 MB
A2A Simulations
Buy now forAll taxes included$38.64
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Flight Simulator Package:
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This package is presented to you as part of the Wings of Power series, which is created by A2A Simulations. Their knowledge of piloting an aircraft is almost unmatched within the community, and they are a hugely innovative group that is regularly producing new content that comes from various timelines and celebrates various parts of flight history. This package brings to life famous Second World War aircraft, giving you the chance to fly them in absolutely stunning detail with unerring accuracy in the way that they are presented. Nothing is more important than being able to fly an aircraft and feel every last sinew of the aircraft react to what you are asking; with these add-ons, you will get just that!

The reason that the Warhawk was so well-loved at the time of its creation was because of just how many of them there were; they filed the skies in vast numbers. Although they were nothing revolutionary in terms of firepower or armor, they were nimble enough to cause problems and gave the Allies a vital mass-produced aircraft that could systematically cause havoc. Cost-effective to build and simple for pilots to master, this aircraft became a flagship for military aviation and was a popular model throughout for pilots of many persuasions.

It took part in Africa, Asia, and Europe in terms of theatres of war, and was an instrumental part of making sure that the skies were secure so the ground troops could do their jobs. It's always been noted just how important aircraft were during the battles across the Second World War, and this certainly rose to fame thanks to the characteristic shark-toothed design that made it really stand out from the crowd. This was when the aircraft was part of the American Volunteer Group Flying Tigers who were one of the most inspired flight groups out there during the war.

Eventually, the aircraft was succeeded but it left a legacy for civilians, too. It was the framework of the Curtiss Hawk which was improved using the massive amount that was learned from the P-40. Having originally taken its design from the Curtiss in the first place, it was a nice way for the aircraft to make its mark on time.

If you want to fly a stunningly realistic equivalent of this famous aircraft, this is your chance!

Key Features

  • Designed with the same style and calibrations as the real thing - it's rugged, it's a bit rough around the edges, but it's incredibly easy to fly. If you have found that FSX can bog you down a little with making aircraft a little inaccessible, this is your tonic

  • Designed to follow the usual A2A standard of incredibly realistic bodies and cockpits - every material that you see has come from the design of the real thing, and leaves you with a thoroughly satisfying design and style. Everything that can be included has made it, giving you the complete experience

  • Five models included that all have various styles. The P-40B and C as well as the AVG equivalent, the Tomahawk that served for the RAF and the Russian Tomahawk are all present here to give you a "who's who" cast of this fantastic aircraft. Looking to really see a difference in your flight style? These unique aircraft are well worth giving a try!

  • The flight dynamics that the aircraft operates with are made completely "By-the-book" meaning that they follow the realistic designs and mechanisms for the aircraft. Nothing is taken to chance here, the mod makes sure that this aircraft is going to fly exactly as it's supposed to, using fully authentic sources

  • A virtual load-time manager that ensures you can change the load, cargo and storage of the aircraft at any time without having to exit in and out of the simulator; this can be a hugely useful tool for just taking away a lot of the stress that small changes cause

  • A whole new array of animations have been included to make sure the aircraft looks and operates as it should - additionally, a new pilot has been included to actually give you a representative rather than having a static pilot or, even worse, a ghost plane that is attended by nobody!

  • 3D lighting that vastly increases visibility and helps you see far beyond the usual level that you used to get - this helps to make flying simpler as well as gives you a much better view as you fly. Illuminate the skies with proper lighting that really emulates what you'd expect

  • Custom sounds that have been put together by the pro sound teams that work at A2A. This makes the aircraft sound the best that it possibly can and uses the authentic revs and roars that you would have expected to hear from the real; this really seals the deal in terms of authenticity!

  • A pneumatic system included that makes sure to follow the real-life mechanisms that you absolutely need to get the right kind of experience. All of these settings that would usually be unavailable have been included to make sure you get an aircraft that operates at the highest standards

  • Many more features that include fuel delivery systems, authentic superchargers and an auto-mixture that really helps to seal those final stamps of approval in terms of providing you an almost unprecedented level of authenticity and old-school glory

Accu-Sim Add-On

Of course, no real A2A Simulations product is ever complete without their ACCU-SIM inclusion. This helps to bring each aircraft they release to life, giving a whole new level of authenticity and control over what your aircraft is doing. Worried that your comparative relic of an aircraft will feel a little "too" similar to the modern equivalents today? Then ACCU-SIM is what you need.

It totally transforms this normal preconception and makes sure that there is a genuine ruling to follow whenever you step foot into an aircraft. When it comes to the P-40, though, ACCU-SIM really gets to shine a light on why it's an absolute must-have in terms of quality.

Whilst the normal person who reads about this aircraft in passing might be led to believe that it only won due to its strength in numbers, this is an aircraft that merely used the vast numbers to confirm their superiority.

This is where ACCU-SIM can be so incredibly useful - it brings these facts to life, and makes it so much easier for you to start seeing a real difference between each aircraft that you step into. This was an aircraft that will really need to be compared against contemporaries to see a genuine fair battle in terms of features and performance, but the facts are that you'll be able to really see a difference in your FSX experience and overall education by using this mod.

It helps to really increase the tempo and things that you need to remember when trying to fly an aircraft - ACCU-SIM introduces the old adage that no two flights are the same arguably unlike any other mod on the circuit ever has.

This helps to really bring the entire thing together and leaves you with a much more comfortable path moving forward in terms of learning how to fly properly. It challenges you to think like a pilot and to learn like one, too - all of these new challenges that previously were never even contemplated within FSX will make sure that you start to really get the pilot's education any flight simulation fan would absolutely love to help.

With all of the unique features and interesting additions that make up this package, the addition of ACCU-SIM is the final seal of approval that you need to get the most out of your experiences in Second World War aircraft.

In short, this is a package that really augments the original download - with the help of ACCU-SIM, you no longer need to feel like you are getting a bite-sized chunk of what flying one of these would be like. Instead, you get to feel the full force of this brutal aircraft, with you in total control - change your entire outlook on this aircraft by trying it out with the added bonus of ACCU-SIM.

It completely revolutionizes the experience for most people and helps to really get you on the right track in terms of being able to understand how the pilots of the era actually coped.

Accu-Sim Features

  • True propeller simulation introduced to give you the closest thing to realism that you are going to get - whilst other simulators aren't capable to giving you the full story, ACCU-SIM introduces a whole new blend of realism including the way that propellers move and act throughout the flight

  • Get to really unlock all of the power of the Warhawk - rather than feeling like you are flying a pale imitation, you can really give this aircraft a proper kick - before long, you'll be able to take full control of every feature and fly this as a pro would!

  • ACCU-SIM awakens all of the little quirks and changes that make the engine the aircraft uses, the Allison V12, so popular. You'll really start to notice a difference between the way the aircraft performs, reacts, and even sounds as you rip through the skies at breakneck speeds in a proper remake!

  • It comes with an inertia starter included too, as well as inertia wheel and engagement features added in - if you want to get the full experience, nothing can quite offer you the same level of authenticity as an ACCU-SIM powered modification of this unique and somewhat strange aircraft!

  • In-cockpit sounds that have been remade to work with the physics engine of the flight simulator; sounds aren't just played arbitrarily anymore, they are genuinely different in terms of how they appear within the flight. You'll now get to hear all of the wide variety of sounds that a pilot typically has to put up with, too!

  • Real-world conditions such as the state of the ground and the temperature and weather will seriously affect how your flight will start and end - everything is determined by how you take off, and you'll no longer find that the entire world around you is the same. When an airport is snowed under and requires a lot of work to get out of, you'll genuinely feel a difference in the procedure and the difficulty of take-off

  • Airflow and temperature will also affect how your systems operated - now, the weather will genuinely play a big role in the overall success of your flight. Instead of just being a nice extra that helps to set the scene, the world is now going to make your flights far more challenging - but the rewards for beating these extra challenges will be that bit better than it is when you fly usually!

  • A massive array of minor additions and changes like spark plugs that can become clogged and overheating issues that can lead to a domino-effect of problems stacking up for you - now, you need to manage the aircraft every bit as much as the flight itself!

  • Repair your aircraft in a maintenance hanger that requires you to get your aircraft back in shape - the aircraft that you fly today will be the same one that steps into tomorrow, so be prepared to work hard and keep your aircraft in the best shape that you possibly can, regardless of the circumstances! 


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