Boeing 777 RR Trent-800 HD Sound Pack for FSX/P3D

For many fans of flight simulation, the enjoyment comes more from being able to get into the cockpit and hear it work rather than have a bunch of graphical props that make no difference. Becoming a better pilot is all about being able to understand the cockpit environment so that you can balance the aircraft and make it with this style and nature perfectly. Read more...
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X inc. Steam Edition and Prepar3D (all versions including v4)
- File size
- 88 MB
- Developer
- Turbine Sound Studios
Sound Pack Compatibility Note: This sound pack will work with any aircraft model, both freeware or payware in FSX and P3D.
Well, for many FSX users, this isn’t the case; the original sounds and style are a far cry from what the real-life aircraft would have sounded like. However, this mod by the brilliant Turbine Sound Studios changes that.
It faithfully recaptures the sound of the famous Rolls Royce Trent-800 package, specifically when in use with a Boeing 777 aircraft, and this makes the whole thing come together perfectly .captured in truly HD audio and making sure that it fits any mode or style of the 777 that you use it with, this package is the perfect audio companion for you.
If audio is a part of FSX hat you feel has let you down in the past, then this modification can be just what you need to change that once and for all, improving your performance massively.
When you know what to listen out for, it becomes a whole lot easier to fly and diagnose your aircraft! This manages to capture all of the sounds of the Trent 800, with more than 20 years of history within the design of this beautiful system. By combining it all together and making everything sound absolutely spectacular, this remake of the brilliant Trent 800 matches perfectly with the actual nature and style of the engine and includes;
Unique internal and external sounds that work together in harmony to give you both the sound of the turbines outside bursting into life and providing the massive energy boost needed to fly as well as the internal sounds that let you hear the aircraft whizzing into life as you pick up speed and start hearing ever-closer towards the direction that you intend to go to
Gear sounds have been added in so that you know when the aircraft is actually beginning to come down or push back up, making it easy to know what condition the aircraft is in for takeoff and landing
These sounds are backed up by realistic environment sounds – from the wind howling down upon the aircraft and picking up sound as you fly faster to the cockpit making various minor noise to let you know all functions are working perfectly, this makes your life much easier than it has been in the past simply by combining the key factors
Full 360 degree soundcones that work perfectly – only in FSX, not FS2004 – and manages to balance the sound out so that the noises you hear actually travel throughout the aircraft to really capture that feel and sound that is so incredibly important to the development and growth of your skills as a pilot
Everything was recording on a Singapore Boeing 777.

About Turbine Sound Studios
Turbine Sound Studios (TSS) are true masters in creating sound packs for flight sim aircraft add-ons. Known in the industry for the finest cockpit and external sounds. Founded by Christoffer Petersen and based in Denmark, they are true innovators in creating realistic flight sim cockpit sounds.
Their products are captured from the real-world aircraft counterparts using professional recording and editing techniques.
Their sound add-ons can be used on any aircraft model - both freeware or payware. They have focused on FSX and Prepar3D over the years but we are sure they will begin to remaster their creations for the new 2020 release of Microsoft Flight Simulator.
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