Airbus A319 HD IAE-V2527 Pilot Edition Sound Pack for FSX/P3D

Airbus A319 HD IAE-V2527 Pilot Edition Sound Pack for FSX/P3D

Created by the excellent Turbine Sound Studios, this package provides you with a detailed audio package of the Airbus 319 IAE-V2527. Balanced in a realistic manner, this “Pilot Edition” only uses sounds recorded to provide you with the most realistic audio possible. This package puts every simple little sound together perfectly. With a unique level of realism unlike any remakes of this aircraft before it, this manages to capture all of the life and vitality of the real thing in truly stunning detail. Read more...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X inc. Steam Edition and Prepar3D (all versions including v4)
File size
77 MB
Turbine Sound Studios
Buy now forAll taxes included$10.81
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Sound Pack Compatibility Note: This sound pack will work with any aircraft model, both freeware or payware in FSX and P3D.

The Pilot Edition gives you access to a more refined sound system in general. This makes the engine sounds tally with the actual audio that you would hear from the cockpit – this blends everything together perfectly, adding a fine level of balance and precision to the whole affair. Using the excellent Overland model and adding immense sound to go with it, this package combines that excellent level of consistency and quality within the original design and attaches these brilliant sounds to make the whole flight experience better.

What’s Included?

  • The aircraft itself brings a wealth of new features to the table, and combines perfectly with other models (not included) such as the ones created by by the excellent Overland to give you a nice balance between sound and vision

  • Fully 3D soundcones are included so that the sound actually projects itself to and from where it would have been coming from on the real thing. This ramps up the realism and avoids the sound from becoming dull or irritating

  • A massive range of environmental sounds like the wind howling

  • Alerts from the aircraft throughout the flight to let you know how you are performing and what, if anything needs to be adjusted

  • Cockpit environment sounds and the actual aircraft roaring, including absolutely astounding engine sounds

The aircraft itself first took flight on August 25th 1995, flying from Hamburg, Germany. By April 1996, and the aircraft had been certified with European JAA certifications, also coming with a service entry with Swissair. This set the aircraft itself onto a path of considerable success along the way and opened up the potential for the fantastic range of Airbus aircraft that have come after it to flourish even more.

Although only a minimal improvement and change from the previous versions of the A3 range, the A319 provided a lot of minor edits from the A320 which was one of the most commercially successful brands of the Airbus range. With shorter fuselage frames and a few other minor features the actual differences between the aircraft remained fairly minimal. If you have ever flown the original in the past then you will be able to quickly see the massive similarities between the A319 and the A320, as they are quite strikingly similar in many of the most common aspects of aircraft. 

Turbine Sound Studios

About Turbine Sound Studios

Turbine Sound Studios (TSS) are true masters in creating sound packs for flight sim aircraft add-ons.  Known in the industry for the finest cockpit and external sounds.  Founded by Christoffer Petersen and based in Denmark, they are true innovators in creating realistic flight sim cockpit sounds.

Their products are captured from the real-world aircraft counterparts using professional recording and editing techniques.

Their sound add-ons can be used on any aircraft model - both freeware or payware.  They have focused on FSX and Prepar3D over the years but we are sure they will begin to remaster their creations for the new 2020 release of Microsoft Flight Simulator.

View all products/add-ons by Turbine Sound Studios.

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