Phoenix Photoreal Scenery Ultra-Res Cities for FSX/P3D

Phoenix Photoreal Scenery Ultra-Res Cities for FSX/P3D

Being able to capture the true beauty and enjoyment of a flight simulator usually comes from having the most realistic look and feel to the world around you when flying in it. For many people, though, this kind of quality and attention to detail is sorely lacking in the original FSX and P3D. Although impressive, many details simply aren’t as high quality as they could be for some very important parts of the world; like Phoenix, Arizona. Read more...

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Immediate Download
Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D
File size
17.4 GB
PC Aviator
Buy now forAll taxes included$15.41
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This modification, though, completely changes this as it radically alters the scenery to include photorealistic images throughout to show just how detailed FSX and P3D can make your world.

Covering more than 8,000 square miles in the simulator, these changes are built using 50cm per pixel scenery that really captures every last detail of the Terminal Area for Phoenix. This means that the city and surrounding areas have been recreated in truly epic fashion, managing to find all of the best landmarks and attractions and put them directly onto the city where they would be in the real world.

For those who demand accuracy from their simulator, this is just what you need to see how quickly things can change when using a flight simulator. Additionally, this makes a massive change to the overall structure and layout of the whole region.

Now, it’s not just some basic landscaping and generic textures slapped down to fill up the space; this captures one of the gems of Arizona perfectly. If you want to see the whole state changed and approved to this setting, you can download the full Arizona state.

Phoenix itself is a massive city, housing more than 1.4m people within it. It’s the largest city in the state, and the sixth largest city in the whole of the US. This massive expanse can be noticed with ease you fly over, taking in the mass of buildings, landmarks and locations that stand out like a sore thumb. By getting all of these locations put in place, you’ll find that Phoenix looks absolutely stunning when created and separated into such detail, covering everything available.

A growing area with a huge amount of development still to come, the growth of the metropolitan area of Phoenix is estimated to be at around 4% for the last four decades – so you can expect to see this area growing even more as time goes on! However, what really impresses about Phoenix is the amazing location that surrounds it.

Housed next to the northeastern parts of the Sonoran Desert, the large canal systems create a stunning looking contrast in the entire region that really cannot be overstated enough. It looks absolutely wonderful when it’s portrayed in this style, giving you a top-down view on some of the most diverse city landscapes that you are likely to see in the whole of the US.

By improving everything to the very last pixel, this regenerates Phoenix and its surrounding areas and ensures its subtropical landscape never has to disappoint you again! 

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