P-51 Mustang Civilian Accu-Sim for P3D/FSX

P-51 Mustang Civilian Accu-Sim for P3D/FSX

Aviation simulators are made up of their immense attention to detail and the ability to give us something a little bit more unique than we are used to. However, not every flight simulation fan wants to get some supercharged war machine and take off into the night skies at supersonic speeds - some of us want something a little more simplistic in our flight simulation. Read more...

Microsoft Flight Simulator X inc. Steam Edition & Prepar3D v4, v5
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138 MB
A2A Simulations
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Flight Simulator Package:
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The Civilian Mustang is a release by A2A Simulations for FSX that gives you a chance to take into the skies one of the most prominent fighters that have ever been produced by man. A hugely popular air fighter because of its deeds as much as what it actually carried, the Mustang was eventually brought around to the normal civilian lifestyle shortly after. A2A Simulations have a track record of producing truly exemplary products, so if you are looking for an easy way to get into both civilian and wartime aviation products for FSX you might want to start here.

Over the course of the Second World War, the aircraft that we were using changed dramatically as companies tried to veer away from the error-prone single-engine style. Whilst the P-47 Thunderbolt made a strong case for being a reliable and effective fighter, the burden on the pilot was every bit as bad as it was on their opponents!

This was, of course, until the Mustang came along. This recreation of the stunning P-51 Mustang gives you access to an aircraft t that is still used today. They even give some of the modern aircraft a run for their money, and you can break this out in stunning realism with FSX. Not only will this give you something far more enjoyable than your typical modern flying experience, it gives you a totally unique experience.

Whilst the real thing has become little more than a hobby for their owners, kept and maintained for prestige more than anything, the quality of the P-51 shouldn't be lost on anyone. Because it can be used cross-country and was relatively easy to fly - supremely easy when it was first released, acting as the pinnacle of flying at the time - it became a hugely popular product for civilians to start using as well as the military. It's sturdy style and rapid speeds made it a useful aircraft for a variety of different jobs, whether it was transport or gunning down the opposition.

Its reliability shines through in this intricate remake of such a popular aircraft, giving you all the help that you need to really get immersed in the style of the aircraft that you are flying. If you have been wanting to try out something a bit more retro than your usual selections in a flight simulator, this might be the place to get started with - the attention to detail on everything from the rims and bolts to the wholly reworked cockpit is something that even the most elite can enjoy.

Key Features

  • Designed to fly in the same way that the real-life equivalent does, every last detail has been included to absolutely stunning realism. Nothing has been left behind with this absolutely outstanding remake - it takes on all of the attributes that it carried in the real world with many hours of research and scouring manuals to get everything from the wingspan to the speed it takes off at absolutely perfect

  • One of the quickest propeller-driven aircraft ever built - even today, you will struggle to find something that is as nimble and effective as this little beauty in the air. Looking to try out something different from the relatively comfortable life of the modern pilot? Then this will give you an absolutely stunning challenge - but the reward for persevering is being able to fly one of the most iconic aircraft of its time, and indeed any time over aviation history!

  • The detail in the design is something to behold - everything has been faithfully represented to make sure that when you are flying the aircraft it does more than "feel" the part of the real-thing; it will actually look like it as well. Faithful recreations of every last detail help massively

  • A whole new raft of animations have been created to help add to the immersion of being in the aircraft - from the natural-looking pilot that coincides with the decisions being made in the plane to the high-end reactions of the plane to every little request that you make adds a whole lot to the overall quality of your experience

  • Load fuel and storage onto the aircraft in real-time as you fly, using the excellent Real-Time Load Manager. This cuts away a lot of the time that you will be using just sitting around wanting to make a change

  • 3D lighting has been included to add more realism as well as help your overall performance - nothing is more enjoyable than being able to jump onto FSX and actually see through the night skies! This product is designed to give you total control over the aircraft as well as your lighting

  • Implementing Pure3D for maximum effect, your aircraft will take off at better speeds than ever before as well as deliver a more acute, measured performance than you might be used to receiving from your simulator

  • Totally unique sounds added in as well, to complete how realistic the entire experience feels

  • Pilots map included in a totally reworked cockpit that looks exactly as it should - look at any photos of a Civilian Mustang and you'll see an incredibly similar design and style compared to what you are currently flying!

  • Auto-mixtures that make sure that your aircraft is operating at the correct fuel-to-air ratios, helping you fly as cleanly and as comfortably as you could possibly hope for

  • Authentic materials used in every shape and part of the design, helping knit everything together and provide the most convincing Mustang experience that you are likely to find for use with a flight simulator

  • Complete compatibility with ACCU-SIM, the leading A2A Simulations product for spicing up your flight simulation experience


Not sure if you are going to get the right levels of realism from your jaunt around the globe in the cockpit of a Mustang? Then you'll be pleased to know that A2A has bundled in the irrepressible ACCU-SIM alongside this package. If you have never heard of ACCU-SIM, then it's one of the hottest mods around for FSX and provides you with a way of flying aircraft that takes you far, far beyond the usual realms. The package included works with both this package and the Wings of Power P-51 Military edition, which you can download from HERE.

ACCU-SIM helps to revitalize the flight simulation experience who enjoy it but feel like it's not quite challenging or realistic enough. Do you feel like your flights can be let down by just how picture-perfect they can be? How are you ever going to legitimately grow and improve as a virtual pilot without having to face some challenges every now and then? Well, ACCU-SIM brings these challenges to you in abundance.

As well as totally reworking the entire engine to make aircraft feel more realistic than ever before, all of those terrifying problems that put civilians off of going on flights can come alive at any time. Your actions will create a lasting result on your aircraft, and this means that if you are going too strong with your aircraft and taking it to the very limit you will know all about it!

Aviation is something that needs to be almost perfect in a simulator for it to be worthwhile - and ACCU-SIM can help bring you a stage closer to that. Almost like a new simulator itself on top of FSX, this unlocks all of those seemingly mundane tasks that make flying an aircraft the joy that it is. No longer will you get all of those perfect finishes and textbook turns; you'll be coming up against the world in the same way that a pilot in real-life would. There is no time for margins or mistakes and you need to be prepared to deal with problems that you never saw coming - this is the life of a pilot, and ACCU-SIM helps to unleash that.

Additionally, even things like lasting damage to your aircraft can carry on day after day. Smashing your aircraft into a cliff and doing serious damage to it no longer just magically forgotten when you next log in - your actions really do have consequences when you use ACCU-SIM. This can be the perfect vessel for those who feel like FSX wasn't close enough with the realism side of things, and wants to add another layer of class and quality to the overall picture.

Basically, if you find that FSX has gone a bit stale for you and needs another three or four layers of quality and depth to get through, there aren't too many more reliable FSX modifications to turn to than ACCU-SIM!

ACCU-SIM Key Features

  • Looking to take your joy of flight simulation to a whole new level? Then this is the ideal place to start. Adding a whole new meaning to the word challenge, you'll need to start thinking and acting like a pilot thanks to the array of new challenges you'll come across here

  • With the power of ACCU-SIM included with the P-51, you'll enhance the realism of the aircraft better than ever before. Although FSX makes aircraft feel unique and diverse, this adds a whole new layer to the meaning entirely as each aircraft becomes completely unique, as if you owned it in the real world

  • Proper simulation techniques have been included to give you everything from Mach drag to genuine simulation on the propellers; it's the little things that make a flight simulation experience feel as good as it should and this is no different!

  • Unique physics added in mean that you won't be able to take off the same on any terrain - you'll need to think about your takeoff strategy based upon where you are flying from in the first place, making the challenge of becoming a better pilot and reading the world and environment more important

  • Give yourself that proper challenge- remind yourself of all the little things that you need to deal with on an aircraft before you take off. Go through the crash course all over again as you learn the double-edged sword that is ACCU-SIM, improving your flight knowledge and experience massively

  • A whole new wealth of additions to the cockpit, from new features and responses to the way that the sound is driven through the cockpit as you roar through the skies - recording using proper P-51 sounds, so it's the authentic noise that you would be hearing if you were to fly it in real-life

  • Get to see how the aircraft operates in no uncertain terms - it'll feel easier than ever before to start flying around and getting the full benefits of the aircraft, as you'll start to get used to the unexpected happening and improve your overall flight experience quite dramatically

  • Import a whole new insight into how a typical flight would be handled by an aircraft like this - with ACCU-SIM, the differences become starker than ever before. It's never going to be any easier than it is at the moment to get a realistic flight simulation training experience direct!

  • Watch your aircraft react to the world around it - airflow, temperature and density all come into play as deciding factors into how well your aircraft actually flies and manages itself, as well as how the internal systems of your aircraft are dealing with the requests that you are making of them

  • Many more features that ACCU-SIM introduced that completely revolutionize your experiences like oxygen starvation, oil pressure, battery life, primer systems, cockpit audio, and system failures. These are just some of the new additions that have been brought in to give you a more authentic experience than you have ever had! 


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