Jet Simming in MSFS 2020: Planning and Preparing Tutorial Video

Perhaps something that is often overlooked in flight simulation is the planning of flights and the preparing of aircraft. Now, available for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 by Bill Stack of TopSkills is a tutorial video looking at such planning and preparing which, in turn, will make your virtual flight experiences even more realistic. Read more...
- Compatibility
- Stand Alone (Video file)
- File size
- 355 MB
- Video Length
- 9:40 Minutes
- Developer
- TopSkills
The tutorial will go over some of the fundamental steps of flight simulation preparation – such things as the simulator set-up, aircraft and route selection, flight planning, and flight deck preparation.
You will also learn how to apply Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), something that is required for almost all jet flights. These include such details as designated altitudes, headings, and fuel requirements.
There are also detailed instructions on how to prepare your aircraft, from familiarizing yourself with the flight deck and the functions of buttons, switches, and other instruments, to how to set radio, autopilot, and autothrottle, and how to request and receive IFR clearance.
This then leads on to how to prepare start-up checklists and the correct procedures for starting a jet to requesting and receiving taxi clearance.
Three bonus extras are also included – a transcript of the video for easy reference, a quick checklist card for use with the simulator, and a V-speed card.
The videos have been professionally put together, with easy-to-understand language and delivery. It also features animated highways, clear audio, and purposely selected topics for you to get the most out of the information on offer.
This tutorial has also been independently and separately reviewed and verified for quality and accuracy.
It plays with the most popular software such as Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, and WinAmp and features full instructions.
The tutorial has been put together by Bill Stack (of TopSkills) who has over 30 years of experience in training and extensive knowledge of flight simulation.
We should note that the tutorial focuses on the planning and preparation of the Cessna CJ4 Citation, although the principles and methods can be applied to other aircraft.
The video does not, however, explain each and every action a real-world pilot would undertake, focusing instead purely on the world of flight simulation.
Ultimately, though, should you take on board all the information on offer, not only will your flight be easier as your use of instruments will sharpen dramatically, you will also find your virtual flights that little bit more realistic.
- 10-minute tutorial video for planning flights and preparing aircraft
- Information on fundamental steps of flight simulation preparation
- Learn how to apply Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
- Instructions on how to prepare your aircraft
- Compatible with most popular software and operating systems
- Professionally put together with animations and clear audio
- Explained concisely and accurately
- Includes bonus extras – complete transcript of the video, quick checklist card, V-Speed card
- Put together by Bill Stack of TopSkills
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed
As a professional management consultant, I trained people in workplaces for more than 30 years. I began publishing books about home flight simulation in 1997 and videos in 2010. As a professional and experienced trainer, I invest a lot of effort and time toward making quality products that are useful to people.
- Any video with manufacturing defects will be replaced at no cost.
- If you can show that the content of this video is not as described herein, your money will be refunded.
- If you find any facts that you believe are in error, please let me know so I can check them out.
- Your constructive feedback is always welcomed.
My full guarantee is included in the package and can be made available by request. – Bill Stack

About TopSkills
TopSkills publishes tutorial videos and self-instructional books to help home flight-simulation enthusiasts maximize enjoyment of their hobby by applying real-world aviation principles and techniques.
The business was formed in 1987 by Bill Stack as a management-consulting practice. Between 1987 and 2012, Bill consulted to government and private-sector auditing organizations including inspectors general and internal auditors.
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