Holiday Airports Scenery for FSX

Looking to add a bit more depth to the world as a whole when you enjoy your journeys here in FSX? Then you should look for this wonderful Holiday Airports mod. By adding new revolutionary changes to key holiday destinations in the world, this does a wonderful job of making real-life aerial images come to the fore and help you see what you are looking for. Read more...
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X
- File size
- 368 MB
- Developer
- Aerosoft
Many of the buildings, lighting systems, navigation beacons and many other extras have been modeled in and improved to ensure that it looks the best way it possibly can.
Many key features included in this package are added in to help promote the quality and class of FSX and FS9 in general, and this includes various additions to the design of each airport in Antalya, Faro, Kos and Monastir. By having these unique changes improved, you will have access to a flight simulator which has;
A whole new range of airport animations and improvements with various additions such as hotels, boats and various other landmarks like the famous fortress in Monastir. This helps to set the tone and realism of the area as well as ensuring they have the right kind of authentic images throughout to make them different to the normal airports out there. With the addition of new vehicles, too, this whole place comes to life and looks truly wonderful along the way.
Various objects are included throughout which look wonderful, including new static aircraft that sit there to fill up the airports whilst also working in tandem with the new AI aircraft that will fly in and out of the airport. By going through this you’ll see a far more realistic and dynamic airport. Each airport comes with that unique charm that makes them so lovable, but they also come with specific changes to make them feel unique and true to the real form.
Dynamic and animated objects that look wonderful and do you all the help that you could possibly need in making sure that your dynamic and animated objects will work just the way that you had intended.
Docking systems are also added in which do a wonderful job of making sure you have no problems at all in understanding the position of the airport and what it has been included. This is improved by dynamic vehicle traffic helping to add yet another layer of realism to the whole design, making the entire airport stand out the way that it was supposed to in the first place.
Fully compatible changes to the AI traffic can be included – if you like to use mods such as MyTrafficX then you are far more likely to get the response and the quality that you need to have the fun you were hoping for.
High resolution texts for all four airports help them all to come together and look the very best that they can, ensuring you have no problems at all in becoming more accustomed to the look and feel that they carry individually.

About Aerosoft
Aerosoft has been in the flight sim business since 1991 - true veterans of flight simulation software and providing add-ons for flight simulator users and virtual pilots.
Based in Germany, they have a true appreciation of attention to detail in flight sim quality. They have published many hit titles in the flight sim world over the years and they are known globally in the flight sim community.
Aerosoft publishes many titles from smaller flight sim names bringing their add-ons and creations to fruition and putting them in front of the masses.
Aerosoft is always at the forefront of the latest flight simulator technology and their customer after-sale support is second to none.
Customer Reviews
Rated 4.0/5.0 based on 1 customer reviews
- 10/08/2018
4/5 Verified Purchase
I really enjoy the detail and realism of the addon. For me (processor and ram very good but standart graphiccard), the small airports don't affect de fps. Antalya unfortunately does
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