Heart of California: San Francisco Bay Photoreal Scenery for FSX/P3D

Heart of California: San Francisco Bay Photoreal Scenery for FSX/P3D4.0/5 3 reviews

Seeing the familiar world beneath you, revamped with photo-realistic textures and loaded with detail, is like seeing it for the first time; a new texture pack is like a brand new lens for you to look through at the ground below and be as enamored as you were the very first time you took to the skies. They can be both exciting and revitalizing, and bring back to life many places that you may not have flown to in a very long time. If you are a user of Microsoft Flight Simulator X or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D, then this might be one for you. Read more...

Media Format
Immediate Download
Microsoft Flight Simulator X & Prepar3D
File size
8.3 GB (Large Download)
Buy now forAll taxes included$30.88
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This particular photo-realistic scenery package, covers an enormous 22,700 square miles of San Francisco Bay, California. From Point Arena in Mendocino County, all the way south to Monterey Bay, between Santa Cruz and Monterey. And as far east as Firebaugh, Fresno County, and further north to Placerville, El Dorado County.


The textures that make up this San Francisco landscape are made up of thousands of aerial photographs (at 1mt/pixel) that have been geometrically corrected so that they don't appear distorted when viewed from the air. These images fit together like tiles, and these tiles are processed to optimize luminosity, contrast and color balance, with a 98% precision from one to the next, delivering seamless geography where ever you fly. Two 'tile-sets' are included in this package, one for day time textures and one for night time textures. Each tile-set for areas surrounding the main airports in the bay area has a resolution of 30cm/pixel, meaning that more details are squeezed into a smaller space and the closer to the ground you can get before the detail disperses.

Watermasks & Autogen

Watermasks have been added to bring some life to the photo-real water; it adds characteristics to the textures that help make everything feel more realistic, such as splashes, rolling waves or the otherwise general impression of movement.  Watermasks have been created for the ocean, main lakes and rivers in the scenery area. Along with full use of Autogen, a process that generates scenery objects such as buildings and vegetation, the photo-real textures and the simulated environment, begin to work together in creating a tangible world for you to explore. Detailed annotations, that work like footprints for buildings and vegetation, have been added to the airports and airfield surroundings, to ensure maximum precision when it comes to generated objects.


Along side a huge boost in visuals, numerous fixes have been applied to airports, correcting issues with runways, aprons, taxiways and buildings. While not as noticeable at first glance, these small quality of life changes go a long way to improving your overall experience; without these little discrepancies, it's easier to stay immersed in the simulated environment. A select few airports have been given special treatment, to increase their level of detail and maintain the 30cm/pixel resolution. These are Napa (KAPC), San Jose (KSJC), San Francisco (KSFO), San Carlos (KSQL) and Oakland (KAOK).

With approximately 40 airports in total, there are countless flight paths you could utilize to take in all that San Francisco has to offer. Everything from the legendary prison, Alcatraz, to Golden Gate Park, Fisherman’s Wharf, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Pacific Coast, are now even closer to the real thing, with a level of detail beyond the scope of the original flight simulator. Even a simple route from say, Watsonville Municipal Airport, all the way north to Healdsburg Municipal Airport, can conjure up some breathtaking sights; wherever your flights take you, you can be sure you'll be pushing some amazing scenery past the windows.

More and more stunning scenery packages are hitting the market now, and they allow us to see some of the greatest places in the world in a whole new way; with bigger hard drives and faster processors, computers are not limited in the way there were when we first installed our favorite flight simulators, and developers now have more freedom to create spectacular addons that we will all be enjoying for years to come.

Main Features

  • 1mt/pixel Daylight and Night variation
  • 30cm/pixel ground textures for the main airports (still some in development - free weekly upgrades from VERO website)
  • Full Autogen (buildings and vegetation) covering the entire scenery area have been annotated. Autogen around the airports and airfields have been placed precisely by hand for an accurate representation.
  • Watermasks
  • Airports layout fixes (runway, aprons, taxiways and buildings)

Features exclusive to VERO-FS Scenery

  • Fully color corrected ground textures
  • Full autogen which includes large scale autogen annotation (Megascenery has no autogen at all). Autogen includes buildings and vegetation (3 types of vegetation - annotated according to real world areas (conifer/deciduous forests, city trees, etc).
  • Autogen intensity - compared to other scenery developers, VERO-FS (when sliders have been set to maximum) really gives you a true autogen experience with intense auto generated output.  The output it so much deeper than other developers.
  • Watermasks generated for ocean, main lakes and rivers in scenery areas covered

VERO-FS scenery is truly different from the rest of the products created by other payware scenery developers.  Much more care, attention and detail has gone into creating the scenery experience.

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Customer Reviews

Rated 4.0/5.0 based on 3 customer reviews

4 of 5 Stars!

I am very happy with the product ...few bugs like missing Yerba Buena Island in Bay Bridge for me ..but maybe my settings .. Download was slow ...3 hours at 500-1000Kbps when I have 21Mb speed ..long wait for paid product...sort of antiquated speed from them. The install had no readme but a .pdf which did not take into account for noobs. Just say drop it into your Scenery Library ....But there is a FSXScenery folder too ..wrong place of course but they should be very specific for noobs..as in ADDON SCENERY and tell you how to load the thing...describing the click on white area thing. But... par for the course in these type instructions....often assuming a pro.

3 of 5 Stars!

i recently purchased this exceptional download ,however I was disappointed that there was no Read-Me file on how to place it into my FSX , instead I was left to search the internet for the answer.

5 of 5 Stars!

After spending the time flying an F-18 over the covered area ...it must get a five star...us noobs whine but we are learning.

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