"Happy Jack's Go Buggy, Then and Now": The P-51D Mustang Cadillac of the Skies Series for FSX

This package gives you access to the brilliant North American Classic’s Iconic package, feature the P-51D Mustang. Detailed as the most accurate and realistic recreation of the Mustang in any package ever released this is something which manages to pack in a fine blend of performance, style and class into one neat package. Read more...
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- Microsoft Flight Simulator X SP2 / Acceleration
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- 217.7 MB
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- Warbirdsim
Whoever is trying It’s been tested by real-life Mustang pilots who rate it as the most accurate equivalent out there, and covers all of the main details and features that we all want to see included on an aircraft.
Using a range of original North American plans and blueprints and referencing countless photographs, sketches, ideas and plans about the aircraft, this package manages to capture the look and feel of the aircraft perfectly. This package went through more than three years of development and change along the way, and is the perfect addition to any FSX enthusiasts’ arsenal.
It blows away the usual level of detail that we have all come to expect, pushing the boundaries further than ever before and capturing all of the attention and care needed to make the perfect product.
This package itself concentrates on the 20th Fighter Group aircraft known as the “Loco Buster” and this is without a doubt one of the most impressive aircraft to have taken part in the Second World WAR. It was flown by top pilots like Major Jack Ilfrey, and was seen at the time as one of the most important members of the aerial battles that took place. This recreation takes it directly from its peak in 1944 when it was involved in many different conflicts.
This also uses all of the realistic markings and design features to make this recreation of this specific Mustang come to life more than it ever has in the past. It’s detailed, accurate and truly stunning to fly, and comes with the original version of the aircraft and a restored version which is still used today.
What’s Included?
A whole range of aircraft is included in this package, taking the P-51D-5-NA and giving you versions from;
- July-August 1944
- October-November 1944
- Recreated equivalent, 2008
- “At the moment” version
This helps you get a total understanding of the aircraft and how it operates, as well as the massive range of features and additions that were included along the way. Together, each model offers a unique look at this iconic aircraft in all of its glory.
General Features
Having been created using the knowledge and passion of the designers and hours’ worth of legitimate, authentic information and footage, this takes on the real approach and feel of the Mustang perfectly. Using the original factory drawings as a reference, this managed to provide you with all of the right features and additions that made the Mustang so popular.
Additionally, advice was received from professional restorers of the Mustang as well as pilots & historians to complete the most detailed recreation of a Second World War aircraft that is made available for use with flight simulators;
Genuine details are covered throughout, ensuring that you can get all of the help that you need in understanding the overall quality and nature of the aircraft
Flight dynamics that are tuned and tested to the very last number, and then tested alongside the professional help of a P-51D owner, and pilot
Two unique models provided for the D-5-NA and D-30-NA variants of this aircraft
Unique sounds recorded for each and every aspect of the aircraft, making it sound just the way that it should every time that you take off – also includes the most distinctive sound in aviation – the “howl”
Avionics have been forged from the ground up to deliver a service that feels just like the real thing; this features additions like a transponder, a communication and navigation radio, a VOR indicator gauge; all of these are fitted onto the restored “HJGB” for maximum control and simple functionality
Wartime models have been included using an N-9 reflector gun sight, ensuring that they are using the same equipment they had back in the day. The restored model, though, is using a K-14 gyro gun sight which is fully removable if you would rather fly without the sight in view
Totally modeled and completed detailed left gun bay to give you an idea of the kind of firepower that this aircraft was carrying
Pilot gear included, marked and designed to fit the exact uniform worn by the 20th Flight Group, making it look as effective as it possibly can
A-11 leather flying helmet has been added, too, so that you can get that real feeling of being a proper wartime pilot! Other items are left here like B-8 goggles; B-3 life jackets and an S-2 parachute to help you make sure you are comfortable with taking off, with all the right gear included!
A modern pilot option is added, too, so that you can get a modern flight suit and a HGU 55 helmet if you would rather fly in the real clothing instead of sticking with the old-school clothing
A large variable of authentic additions including removable exhaust shrouds, tail wheel locking mechanisms that come with control sticks. This comes with internal and external details with each variant, as well as optional 108-gallon drop tanks
Much more has been included in each variation, too, giving you a unique feeling regardless of the model that you are working with currently
Then & Now
This project has been created in the memory of revered Major Jack Milton Ilfrey, who was part of the original crew of the “Happy Jack’s Go Bunny” Fighter Group. It’s also dedicated to Mike Vadeboncoeur, and the other members of the crew at Midwest Aero Restorations as well as Bruce Winter, the original owner and pilot of the restored Go Buggy.
About Jack Ilfrey
As the original pilot of the aircraft, it’s important to note just how big an impact Jack has had on the aviation society for his heroic deeds in life. A native of Houston, Texas, Ilfrey joined the USAAF in the early parts of 1941, and from then graduated as part of the first wartime class of pilots at the Luke Field in Arizona. He was assigned to the 1st Pursuit Group of flying P-38s along the coast of California before he was changed to the 1st Fighter Group and sent off to England to be part of the first wave entering the UK. His first combat engagement was a low level fighter sweep over the nation of France on September 1st, 1942.
From there, he spent time in North Africa particularly as a member of Operation Torch. It was in this operation that he was credited with the success of taking down a platoon of German fighters, earning himself arguably the first ever Aces of War title for a P-38 pilot. Returning to the US in 1943 with 72 missions under his belt, he returned to serve as a flight instructor for P-38s and P-47s.
However, in April 1944 he returned to the UK as an Operations Officer in the 79th Fighter squadron, 20th Fighter Group in a P-38. He shot down two Me-109s to further add to his accreditations accrued throughout the war. He also flew patrols over the Normandy beaches as the fated D-Day played out down below. His first graze with danger came on June 12th 1944, when he was shot down behind enemy lines after being able to disguise himself and blend in with a local French village as a farmer. After only six days, he was back in the UK and avoided the rules of being sent back home after being shot down to get back in the skies.
In July 1944 he became part of the “new one the scene” P-51D pilots for the 20th Fighter Group. The P-51D had only just arrived on the scene in England and was making a huge difference on the warfront. Jack painted up his own aircraft to look similar to his old version, with plenty of markings on there to show people the various kills and achievements he bore throughout the war having been involved in everything from escort missions to top-cover and fighter sweeps.
In the P-51D, many changes were made to the aircraft to make it look just as they wanted; for example, wing mirrors from the P-38s were attached to the aircraft. Jack himself had both Spitfire and P-38 mirrors attached to his aircraft, further adding to the style and the nature of his own flight. His first mission in charge of the P-51D was to be involved within “Operation Frantic VI” and flying to nations like Russia, Italy and the UK again. After this Operation, he was promoted to the title of Major. In his true style, though, he was bumped right the way down to 2nd Lt. after celebrating the decision a little bit too much! Eventually, he was promoted back to Captain by General Jimmy Doolittle in a show of compassion for his brilliant leadership qualities.
He continued to be involved in various flying missions throughout history, taking part in key roles throughout the end of the war until, in December 1944 and with more than 320 flying hours under his belt; he was re-assigned back to the US. When he left the USAAF in 1945, he was back to being a Major.
It shows you the remarkable story that one member of the Fighter Group was able to go through during the war, and should give you all the appetite that you need to start up FSX and see if you can match those achievements!
Key Features of the Remake
With a cockpit that is fully stocked and finished with all of the same paints and primers that would have been used on the real thing, this comes with all of the features included that would have been there to begin with. Even things like the original SCR-522 radio is fitted in there for extra detail
The spitfire mirrors and P-38 mirrors are fitted to the canopy, to make sure that you have the same style that Jack was flying around in for all of those years – it’s a truly remarkable look and feel for any aircraft
With the canopy including an aerial antenna guide roller (despite the antenna being missing) this package manages to give you even the tiniest details that were included within the original design so that you can get the closest thing possible to what Jack what have been flying with during combat
A completely operation AN/APS-13 tail warning radar set, which comes equipped with the appropriate alarm bell and indicator light. This will give you extra strength and visibility on the flight, as well as make sure you can easily make out your intentions to other pilots when they fly past you
Proper .50cal machine guns included with real ammo belts and other minor details include. They are wired to the trigger on the stick, too, for that extra layer of realism that makes all the difference when you are trying to pilot and fire off at the same time!
The ANN-6 gun camera has been added for that nice little extra, and with the assistance of Kodak some color has been left on the original cartridge. This allows you to get camera footage whilst flying including low passes over airports or even getting involved in a dogfight, true to the original aircraft
108g paper drop tanks are mounted onto the aircraft just as the would have been in the real thing – with very few examples of this left in the real world, it makes a huge change for those who are more used to traditional aircraft styles; they even carry the specific imperfections and details that the old tanks would have to maximize the quality of detail and attention paid
Rendering Quality
The special rendering and lighting effects that have been added in here are some of the most impressive you are likely to find when using a flight simulator add-on. With three years of hard work being put into this, it looks absolutely sublime in every possible way
It comes with unique bump texturing and specular lighting added in there to make the whole look as authentic as possible, as well as to make sure that the simulator is getting the very best out of the detailed models that it is using, and the graphical capacity of FSX
Special reflective textures have been created from scratch to bring it all together and make sure that the bare metal aircraft are every bit as realistic looking as they should be. It takes a lot of work to get it looking just right, but hours’ worth of minor changes have created a truly authentic looking aircraftTwo extremely unique aircraft that look just as they did flying in the Second World War and today respectively, with all of the minor details and tiny addition added in there. This covers everything from the nose design to the very last rivets and bolts
A complete livery package that covers everything that you would hope to see, with very subtle changes added on with every section to make it look absolutely excellent in every way. It makes everything work perfectly together, forging a really interesting look and feel for anyone interested in realism
Sound Features
Sound is just as important as the design and with this package you will get access to something that looks and sounds exactly the way it should; it covers all of the little details along the way, and makes the graphical qualities stand out even better than they did previously
With 84h worth of recordings included in this package, everything here is a mixture of the real sounds from the Packard Merlin or they have been directly and specifically mixed for the usage with this package, giving you all the help that you need in getting to grips with PA-51s
With every recording carefully managed and optimized, this creates a really accurate sound that only comes into play when it should. The sounds are coded in perfectly to make it actually fit with what is going on in front of you, helping you get exact sound of the Merlin V1650 engine
The characteristic growl of the engine is included here and is truly intact, making the whole thing roar into life and really catches you by surprise! The difference in quality between this, and the original, is fairly stark
Perfect for use with 5:1 surround sound as it captures the ambience and quality of the sounds perfectly; these are recorded, managed and prepared for use at high speeds and with high volume. These aren’t just sounds ripped from some old World War II movie!
The engine firing sounds are bang on with what you would expect to hear from the real thing
Accurate start and shut down noises that match up with the real thing for true style and control
Sounds from outside the cockpit and positioned to fit perfectly with the sounds from the outside, ensuring that you get a realistic sounding overlap
Additional Gunport Whine included for that nice little finishing touch
Modeling Details
A huge attention to detail with the exterior and interior, matching up even the most insignificant looking parts of the model to absolute perfection. Takes every minor feature and includes it giving you the most authentic and faithful P-51D recreation ever seen in a flight simulator
Created and balanced out using original engineering and plans
Distinctive areas like the nose, the tail, the wing and even the radiator scoop have all been imagined with the most stunning degrees of accuracy
A fully functional supercharger is included in here; handle it with care or watch your engine pop!
Hugely detailed minor sections like the gun way, and even things like the screws and rivets are put together with attentive detail and true accuracy
Plastic canopies and other small features of the exterior are included, textured magnificently, and comes to perfect attention
Landing gears are faithfully modeled and managed effectively giving you something that is perfectly animated and put into place in the right way
Original markings and designs are complete throughout the entire cockpit and the exterior, making the whole thing look exactly as it should]
A massive listing of indoor inclusions include everything from throttle leavers to fuel booster umps and mixture levers, creating a really enjoyable look and feel that will certainly transport you back in time
Every texture has been created with detail and accuracy, and models have been made individually with painstaking effort put into every last jut and angle, ensuring it’s perfect
Special Features
If you are using Force FSX Hardware, please note that the buffet will occur due to applying too much back-pressure when using the control column
Drop tanks are included for an extra touch of class and realism, and will be needed if you intend on going for a longer flight than usual. They can also be armed and released depending on what you wish to do with them!
Gun bays are included and can be assigned using the wing fold mechanism. Now you’ll be able to see inside the gun bay with all of the resplendent detail included on show
Clam-shell door release mechanism that will be the same as the procedure followed by a real-life pilot during a shutdown. You need to pull the hydraulic T-handle to make it work, allowing for the landing gear clam-shell doors top open up in a matter of seconds for a quick, easy exit
As per all flight conditions you will be able to use the gun sight perfectly allowing you to get a better view of what the pilots would have had to aim with – it’s not like today with homing missiles and other extras added in there for additional effect and power!
Customer Reviews
Rated 4.0/5.0 based on 1 customer reviews
- 10/20/2019
The resolution is not high enough to see what is written on the black plate on the port side just in front of the canopy
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