FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 for FSX/FS2004

A revolutionary new add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X ("FSX") and 2004. FSFlyingSchool - you'll never have to fly alone again! Read more...
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X & 2004
- File size
- 81 MB
- Developer
- FSInventions
Imagine your own team of Flight Instructors ready to accompany you on any flight, Imagine competing with the rest of the Web to prove your flying skills are the best of the best.
Imagine your personal instructor evaluating every aspect of your flying technique and scoring each phase of flight with information you can use to fly better, Imagine a comprehensive log book recording the good and bad points of each flight.
New Features in FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014
Advanced Approaches Pack Included
We all know we need to practice, practice, practice, our approaches and landings.Folks around the world are busy flying with the On Approach features of FSFlyingSchool. Introduced in 2011, these features make setting up approaches to any runway in the world the work of only a few seconds. But now - there's more! FSFlyingSchool PRO 2014 includes the Advanced Approaches Pack which allows the pilot to set up increasingly complex approaches.
A new feature lets you set up an approach which intersects your final approach from any angle you choose. This was previously limited to 45 degrees. You can begin your approach at the start of the 'Downwind' leg of the traffic pattern at any runway. Fly left or right traffic - the choice is yours! Optionally set the specific altitude of your approach using MSL or now AAL (Above Airfield Level). Very useful to quickly set 'pattern altitude'. You can specify that only the slick 'detailed' airports supplied with FSX Deluxe or FSX Acceleration will be included in random selection.
The Flight Plan screen includes a handy detailed diagram showing which approach types are available to set up with FSFlyingSchool PRO 2014 at your selected runway. For those who like variety and challenges, the wind can now be set to a random strength and direction. This will keep you on your toes and is a great way to fly a whole host of very different approaches in minutes. Low visibility is always a challenge - now you can set it to a random distance that will automatically vary with each new approach! Who knows what you will be facing next time?
Ready to be challenged?!
Interactive VOR Navigation Help
Instructor Mr Smith will be watching closely when you are navigating using VOR navigation aids. He will let youknow the meaning of the different indications and instruments of your aircraft's VOR Indicator, such asthe TO/FROM/OFF flag, the Omni Bearing Selector (OBS), and the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI).
You'll get this information as you fly and change settings and of course as the instruments themselvesreact to your flightpath. He'll also describe at length the general aspects of the different elements of VOR navigation as you flyalong.
Cessna 208B Caravan Detail Pack Included
Want to fly a detailed flight in the ever popular Cessna 208B Caravan?
This 'Detail Pack' for FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 offers extra detailed treatment when flying this marvellous airplane.
Your instructor knows the details of this machine and will expect the same from you!
The product has the instructor reading c208B checklists to you, but what's more important is that he'll be watching your performance and looking for those details that are so essential in a Caravan.
In addition to FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014's detailed analysis of your flights, you'll hear extra advice and warnings all specific to the c208B. Stall speeds, use of propeller control, rate of climb, angle of climb, flap speeds, fuel, starting the engine, landing techniques, fuel condition lever and much more.Get ready to fly the c208Blike you've never done before!
Voice Command DELUXE Pack Included
Described by PC Pilot Magazine as a "must have feature", the Voice Command Pack gives you the means to talk back to your instructors. With the addition of the new DELUXE pack, your instructors will be listening for a whole new set of powerful, useful, fun voice commands that extend the basic set. You'll get new information on fuel consumption and reserves, waypoint frequencies, required rate of descent to destination, the nearest airport and much more!
Cessna 182 Skylane Detail Pack Included
Want to get to know the c182?
FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 offers an especially detailed experience when flying this fast, fun aircraft.Your instructor will be reading c182 checklists to you, watching your performance and looking for your attention to c182 details.
Extra advice and warnings all specific to the c182 include flap speeds, run up procedures, fuel, starting the engine, stall speeds, use of fuel pump, carb heat, cowl flaps, propeller control, rate of climb, angle of climb, landing techniques, mixture control and more.Fly the c182 like the PROs!
Beechcraft Baron 58 Detail Pack Included
Want to fly a detailed flight in the ever popular Beechcraft Baron 58?
This 'Detail Pack' for FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 offers extra detailed treatment when flying this marvellous airplane.
Your instructor knows the details of this machine and will expect the same from you!
The product has the instructor reading Beechcraft Baron 58 checklists to you, but what's more important is that he'll be watching your performance and looking for those details that are so essential in a Beechcraft Baron 58.
In addition to FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 detailed analysis of your flights, you'll hear extra advice and warnings all specific to the Beechcraft Baron 58. Stall speeds, use of fuel boost pumps, cowl flaps, propeller controls, rate of climb, angle of climb, flap speeds, run up procedures, fuel, starting the engines, one-engine-out speeds, landing techniques, mixture controls and much more. Ready to fly the Beechcraft Baron 58 like you've never done before?
Voice Command Pack Included
Described by PC Pilot Magazine as a "must have feature", the Voice Command Pack gives you the means to talk back to your instructors. Get the facts you can use right away, just by asking. Constantly updated information on your flight plan, destination airport, ILS, AGL, sky condition, waypoints, ground and air traffic, weather and much more. You can even ask the instructors to identify airports you can see out of the windows!
Mooney Bravo Detail Pack Included
Want to get to know the Mooney Bravo?
FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 offers an especially detailed experience when flying this fast, fun aircraft.Your instructor will be reading Mooney Bravo checklists to you, watching your performance and looking for your attention to Mooney details.
Extra advice and warnings all specific to the Mooney Bravoinclude flap speeds, run up procedures, fuel, starting the engine, stall speeds, use of fuel boost pump, cowl flaps, propeller control, rate of climb, angle of climb, landing techniques, mixture control and more.Fly the Mooney Bravo like the PROs!
On Approach PLUS Pack Included
We all know we need to practice, practice, practice, our approaches and landings.Folks around the world are busy flying with the On Approach features of FSFlyingSchool. Introduced in 2011, these features make setting up approaches to any runway in the world the work of only a few seconds. But now - there's more! FSFlyingSchool PRO 2014 includes the On Approach PLUS Pack which allows the pilot to set up intersecting approaches, set approach initial altitude and much more. It's never been easier with this unique new feature for Flight Simulator!Just get into your airplane and then have FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 put you on approach to any airport of your choice.You can even have FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 choose a random airport anywhere in the world. Ready to be challenged?!
Cessna 152 Detail Pack Included
How about some flights in something easy to handle?
This 'Detail Pack' for FSFlyingSchool Pro 2014 will have you flying the c152 with skill and with the respect it deserves.
Your team of instructors have detailed knowledge they are ready to pass on to you and will read checklists at your command. You'll get all the usual FSFlyingSchool detailed analysis of your flights, as well as Cessna 152 precise information on stall speeds, rate of climb, angle of climb, flap speeds, run up procedures, fuel, starting the engine, landing techniques, carburetor heat, mixture control, use of engine primer and a lot more. The Cessna 152 is hugely popular - find out why!
Other feature details
FSX Boeing 737-800 Detail Pack Included
Ever wanted to fly a detailed flight in an airliner? After 2 years of design, development and testing, FSFlyingSchool now offers extra detailed treatment when flying the world's most popular airliner.
Your instructor Mr Smith knows a very great deal about the correct operation, systems and procedures of this aircraft and will be watching you carefully.
Around 100 events are added to the instructor's watch and you also get detailed verbal and written checklists.
Get ready for some 'heavy iron'!
On Approach feature
We all know we need to practice, practice, practice, our approaches and landings.
It's never been easier with this unique new feature for Flight Simulator!
Just get into your airplane and then have FSFlyingSchool Pro put you on approach to any airport of your choice.
You can even have FSFlyingSchool Pro choose a random airport anywhere in the world.
Ready to be challenged?
FSFS Pro Flight Mapping feature
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to review your flight paths over real world satellite terrain using Google Maps?
And... wouldn't it be just great to be able to store them and look back over them at your leisure.
How about sharing them with friends?
Oh - and how about tracking taxi routes too?
Now you can do all of this with FSFlyingSchool Pro's new Flight Mapping feature!
Cessna 172 Detail Pack Included
Want to fly a detailed flight in the ever popular Cessna 172? FSFlyingSchool Pro offers extra detailed treatment when flying this marvelous airplane. Your team of instructors know the details of this machine and will expect the same from you! Get ready to fly the C172 like you've never done before!
Instructor optionally comments on the position, type and activity of both air and ground traffic and issues warnings if aircraft are getting too close. Things can get hectic at busy airports so your instructor will help keep you out of trouble.
Waypoint Advice
Instructor optionally advises when the next waypoint in a flight plan is approaching and reports its ID and type and advises the turn which must be made when it is reached. This gives you a hand setting up for that next important stage of the flight plan.
Navigation Aid Advice
Instructor optionally advises which radio to tune for the next NAVAID (Navigation Aid) in the flight plan (VOR or NDB) and reports the ID and type of the NAVAID, how to use its signal, and the course which can be tracked with it. It all helps the pilot stay on track and is a gentle way of introducing the pilot to the basics of VOR and NDB navigation.
Instant Customization of FSFlyingSchool Runway Data
Powerful new feature means that with a single key-press the pilot can optionally indicate what exact touchdown point on any runway in the world the pilot wants a landing to be evaluated on. You can aim for any point on the runway you like with this handy new tool.
Automatic Setting of OBS
Instructor will automatically set NAV1OBS to the runway heading during landing. One less thing for the pilot to worry about during a very busy time.
Runway Details
Instructor reports runway length, altitude and surface type when on approach. It all helps in planning that perfect landing.
ILS Advice
Instructor advises frequency of ILS (Instrument Landing System) at destination airport. If you want to do an ILS approach and need that frequency, your instructor has it for you.
ATIS Advice
Instructor advises frequency of ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) at destination airport. Use this to tune a radio and get vital information on the current conditions at the airport.
Automatic ILS Tuning
Instructor optionally tunes NAV1 (Navigation Radio One) to ILS (Instrument Landing System) at destination airport. Things can get busy so you can have your instructor take care of this for you if you wish.
Automatic ATIS Tuning
Instructor optionally tunes COM2 (Communications Radio Two) to ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) at destination airport. Handy to save time and COM2 will not interfere with ATC communications.
DME Reporting
Instructor reports distance from DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) navigation aid.
Handy Hints
Even more helpful cues and suggestions from your instructors.
Announces Selected Runway
Instructor reminds pilot which runway has been chosen for landing at destination airport. Helps keep the pilot on the right track and off the wrong runway.
Announces Flight Plan Length
Instructor reports total distance of flight plan. Make sure you can get there safely and with plenty of fuel to spare.
The in-program text tips have been expanded to help pilots get the most from all of FSFlyingSchool2010's features.
Runway Information
Enhanced runway data displayed at Flight Plan Page, including runway length, surface type and ILS and ATIS frequencies.
FSFlying School Features
- Evaluates landing with or without ILS at any runway in the world
- Automatically creates FSFlyingSchool profile for any powered airplane
- Pilot Briefing Tool analyzes all flights to find patterns of performance which need improvement
- Option to monitor correct use of aircraft lights
- Instructors now give additional warnings before mistakes are made
- Instructors have many new helpful and entertaining phrases
- Aircraft Failures integrated into scoring
- Option to monitor correct use of aircraft engines
- Engine fires
- Monitors use of emergency communications
- Enhanced Help
- Instructor optionally reports failures
- Sound device selection
- It's never been easier to use! You can now land anywhere you like and your instructors will know which runway you have chosen. You do not need to file a flight plan and you do not need to create the runway files that FSFlyingSchool used previously. Just get lined up with a runway ahead of you when you descend in landing mode. The instructor will look ahead, figure which runway you are heading for and announce where you are going to land. Easy!
- No need to file a flight plan! Fly any route you wish with full evaluation of your performance.
- Instructor knows which runway you are landing at. Even without a flight plan or ILS, and will give advice on how to land.
- Instructor knows which runway you are taking off from. Instructor will comment and give advice on the runway you have selected.
- No need to land on a fixed point on the runway. Any reasonable landing on a runway will get a reasonable score.
- Auto-read FSX's current flight plan. Option so that FSFS2011 will always read FSX's current flight plan when you press the connect button in FSFS2011. This is a great time saver!
- Spoken Teaching Tips. Option so that FSFS2011 will speak a series of helpful tips when you fly with FSFS2011. Tips are always in the same voice and are clearly different from a normal 'instructor' voice. These tips are like training wheels on a bicycle and are telling you how to use FSFS2011 and Flight Simulator itself. Once you have got the basics of these operations down, you may wish to turn these basic tips off.
- Friendlier scoring system. Rewards all flights which were basically safe - higher scores require plenty of skill. If you can walk away from your landing - you will get a score. If you crash - you will not!
- Numerical data added to log book. Shows details of flight performance, such as landing speed, distance from threshold, approach accuracy and more.
- Runway length and threshold part of landing evaluation. Landings have never been easier - just land beyond the threshold (even when displaced), on the runway, and not too long, and you'll be looking at great scores.
- Airfield cities and facility names added to log book. No longer just the ICAO code - now you get to see your full airfield names.
FSFlyingSchool Extended Features
- A team of Flight Instructors who talk to you, giving you immediate, detailed advice on your flying technique.
- Unique scoring system rates all phases of flight: taxi, take off, cruise, approach, landing and much more.
- Fly a whole flight or just practice landings - you always receive a detailed score.
- Your flights and their scores are tracked in full detail in your own FSFlyingSchool logbook.
- Submit your best scores to the FSFlyingSchool web site to show off your flying skills to the rest of the world.
- Focuses on airmanship and recording your achievements. Track your progress as you improve - take satisfaction from doing difficult things correctly.
- Works with dozens of the Flight Simulator community's favorite aircraft - add your own in minutes.
- Highest scores come from good airmanship, often in challenging weather, with the least automation, but you can fly at whatever level is comfortable.
- From a Cessna 172 landing in a thunderstorm to an FMC controlled flight in a Boeing 747, FSFlyingSchool can handle them all.
- Instant tests of your airmanship: ask the instructor to immediately test your skills.
- File a flight plan - follow it carefully to score more points.
- Large selection of options allow you to configure FSFlyingSchool your way.
FSFlyingSchool immerses you in the simulation using immediate voice feedback from your chosen instructor:
- Fly anywhere you like and have your performance verbally evaluated and added to your custom log book.
- Instructor tells you what you are doing wrong, when you do it.
- Instructor detects subtle things you don't normally know about: G forces; trimming technique; taxiing in wind and lots more.
- Performance immediately evaluated while you are still out flying: do not need to quit or even switch applications. No need to park or turn engine off to get a score.
- Fly circuits around your favorite airports and have them evaluated in detail.
- Always gives you detailed scoring of your performance; not a simple summary.
- Failures system keeps you on your toes and your instructor can help you spot them.
- Fly smoothly or you may damage your aircraft.
- Multiple instructors to choose from with different personalities, genders and nationalities.
- Advises you of crosswind strength and relative direction at your intended landing site.
- Instructor will advise you of your height, use of gear, flaps and more as you approach the runway.
- Improves your flying skills; makes your flying more realistic and attentive to detail.
- Finds bad flying habits you may have.
Customer Reviews
Rated 5.0/5.0 based on 3 customer reviews
- 01/23/2015
FSInventions have revamped their amazing FSFlyingSchool software, this time adding a ton of new features that make it both more versatile and comprehensive. Available to users of Microsoft's Flight Simulator X and Flight Simulator 2004, this software gives simmers the opportunity to fly with a virtual instructor by their side.
The voices of the virtual instructors are, hands down, the best thing about this add-on. It's not unreasonable to expect dialog that sounds like it's chopped up and pieced together to make a full sentence, where everything sounds forced and unnatural, but that is not what you get with this product. The instructors really feel like they are right there with you, and talking to you, instead of just being a voice in your ear. The instructors are incredibly versatile and observant, and may surprise you with the stuff they come out with. They are able to react and respond to how you fly, and give you all the information you need to fly safely and efficiently. And now, FSFlyingSchool comes with the Voice Command DELUXE Pack, that allows you to talk back your instructors, making your entire flight experience even more authentic and enjoyable.
With detail packs for various aircraft, ranging from something small and easy to handle like the Cessna 152, up to something substantially larger like the Boeing 737-800, there is bound to be something that everyone is comfortable in. Either way, this is the perfect opportunity to get accustomed to an aircraft that you wouldn't normally fly, because you have your own private instructor guiding you every step of the way.
FSFlyingSchool uses a unique scoring system that takes a whole bunch of information into account, in order to give you an accurate score that reflects how well you performed on your flight. Your instructor will likely point out any mistakes you make during your flight, and will also tell you if you're on track for a perfect score. When your flight is concluded, you can see a breakdown of your score that allows you to isolate areas that you need to work on, if your instructor hasn't already made it clear to you.
This is an amazing add-on that, not only provides a means to learn and improve your flying technique, but also brings your simulated experience to a whole new level, by making it both more immersive and realistic.
- 03/06/2014
This is a very good program that I make much use of. You really get lots of good advice and tips that, in the end, will help you be a better pilot. After using this program for a short while, I was already noticing that my attention-to-detail capabilities were growing by leaps and bounds.
This program does have some flaws. Sometimes it jumps me into another flight mode (it uses taxiing, taking off, cruising and landing), which adversely effects some of the ratings. Some of the evaluations are a bit inconsistent: making the same landing with the same conditions, and with the proof in the form of a film of both flights, I achieved different evaluations. But, I have learned to overlook these things, which, in the end, are minor annoyances.
This program is effortless to install and set up. While flying, you will truly feel as if you have a flight instructor with you, as well as some amusing comments from various passengers. Everything this does will enrich your flying if your goal is to learn and be guided.
This version comes with detail packs for certain aircraft. To gain the most from your training experience, I highly recommend that you use these aircraft. The feedback with these planes is more complete.
I highly recommend this program.
- 05/11/2014
An all-rounder for the amature / pro FSX-er, I bought this out of curiosity and i have been amazed by it`s detail , if like me you want too see what it`s like to have an instructor in a simulator atmosphere this is for you....
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