Florida Landings Scenery for FSX & FS2004

Florida Landings Scenery for FSX & FS2004

This region runs along the south west gulf coast of Florida. It is generally considered to be south of the Tampa Bay area, west of Lake Okeechobee, and mostly north of the Everglades. The player can enjoy well-rendered scenery that blends almost seamlessly. This addon is best used with the game's default scenery. Third party addons for outlying scenery may cause obvious “join” borders. Read more...

Microsoft Flight Simulator X & 2004
File size
246.1 MB for FSX / 247.4 MB for FS2004
Buy now forAll taxes included$11.60
Please ensure you select the correct version of flight simulator you wish to use this product with.
Flight Simulator Package:
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This package follows true-to-life renders and imagery, ready to be downloaded immediately for gameplay. The player will not be displeased with the results contained in this sim download. The available scenery covers an extensive 5,000 square kilometer, or 3,100 square miles, including the main airport of Miami, as well as 16 airport taxiways. It will also be good to note that the download is just under 500 megabytes.

The source images are rendered from satellite and aerial sources, with a ratio of 1ft : 1px in order to allow for the best possible quality and resolution, along with accurate color depictions and borderless transitions into the default terrain.

Also included around each airport are thousands of automatically generated buildings and foliage surrounding the each landing for a true, three-dimensional landing experience, allowing the player to enjoy the best this addon can offer. Even more that is included in this scenery package are seasonal changes, from summer to winter, along with in-house night imagery developed to emulate realistic lighting, instead of generic flood lights surrounding each building. This allows for more impressive night scenes, with lights from buildins below dotting the cityscape, just as one would see realistically.

The player can also enjoy landable lakes and rivers, optimized graphics, and precise placement in the scenery, allowing the player to enjoy correct positioning at each airport.

Manufacturers Description

The scenery covers over 5000 square kilometer of South East Florida including fotorealistic surrounding of it's main airport Miami. The 16 airport's taxiways aligned to represent their real world counterpart and blending realistically into the fotorealistic terrain.

The source image is a 1 foot/pixel combination of satellite and aerial image for the best possible resolution colormatched to the default FS scenery allowing borderless transition into the default terrain.

Around each airports we placed thousands of autogen buildings and trees allowing a 3d visual experience on landings.

Seasonal changes are included as well as a in-house developed night imagery generating lights per buildings instead of generic floodlights around the scenery.

Main features

  • South-East Florida fotorealistic scenery
  • Textures made from 1 foot/per pixel originals
  • Customized autogen in the vicinity of the airports
  • Four season and night included
  • Rivers and lakes are landable
  • 16 airports are covered (KMIA, KOPF, KTMB, KHWO, KFLL, KHST, X51, FL31, 78FD, 04FA, 14FA, 22FD, FA35, X44, X46, FL65)
  • The airports are optimized to blend into the photoscenery
  • Very precise placement of the scenery ensuring correct position for the airports
  • Optimized scenery allowing exceptional framerate

Known FSX limitations

Some users may experience black frames around lakes. By setting the texture resolution within fsX should fix the problem.

The new FSX generated vehicle traffic is not compatible with this scenery at some areas so we recommend disabling this feature when you fly over the Florida scenery.


The package is described as covering 'over 5000 square kilometers of South East Florida including photorealistic surrounding of its main airport Miami', the blurb continuing to say that the sixteen included airport's taxiways have been realigned and adjusted so that they blend realistically into the surrounding terrain. According to the website, 'the source image is a 1 foot/pixel combination of satellite and aerial image for the best possible resolution colormatched to the default FS scenery allowing borderless transition into the default terrain'. AutoGen has been adjusted around the airports and you also get seasonal changes as well as night scenery. The rivers and lakes are landable and a total of sixteen airports are included, the full list being: KMIA, KOPF, KTMB, KHWO, KFLL, KHST, X51, FL31, 78FD, 04FA, 14FA, 22FD, FA35, X44, X46, FL6. What you don't get, or at least I think you don't get, is enhanced mesh or any custom scenery at the airports. - FlightSim.


About feelthere

FeelThere is a flight simulator and ATC simulator developer based in CA, USA headed up by team leader and owner Victor Racz.

FeelThere have been developing add-ons for flight simulators since the early days - since FS2002 and have been working on every iteration since.  Their products have included creations for many different aircraft and airport (scenery) creations.

Since their flight simulator developments and aircraft creations, they have also branched out into Air Traffic Control (ATC) simulators and have mastered the Tower! series which is popular among PC-based ATC simulation users.  Tower! is likely the most used and acclaimed ATC simulator software for PC.

Feelthere is now also focused on creating content for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release simulator with various scenery packages and likely aircraft to follow.

View all products/add-ons by feelthere.

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