Embraer Regional Jets v2 for FSX & FS2004

It's been a long wait since the original release, but in that time FeelThere have been listening to user feedback and requests, and have now released the much anticipated Embraer Regional Jets V2. Available as an immediate download for Flight Simulator X and 2004, this package offers everything the original had and more, with modifications and additions made to an already amazing package. Read more...
- Media Format
- Immediate Download
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X & 2004
- File size
- 277.6 MB
- Developer
- feelthere
This add-on contains models of the ERJ 145, ERJ 135 and the ERJ 145XR with virtual cockpit and cabin. Each of these three models is ultra realistic with multiple liveries included in the package. An additional livery pack can be downloaded from McPhat Studios to give you even more choice when deciding which airline colors you want to show off. Along with custom animations and brand new sounds from Turbine Sound Studios, this package offers full on realism from the get go.
A big bonus to this add-on is the native FSX and FS9 development, meaning there can be no compatibility issues or unavailable features. A second bonus is the 'Call!' add-on that incorporates a First Officer or Flight Attendant into your simulation, whom you can call for assistance. And it's included in the price of this download.
Featuring full interactivity, custom switches and knobs, and photo-realistic 2D panels, the cockpit is loaded with so much equipment that you can't help but feel the scope of the aircraft you're piloting. Other elements of the cockpit include a HUD to assist navigation and landing, at night or in difficult weather conditions. As well as a Flight Management System that has a learn function; the more you use it, the better it will become at predicting your flying habits. FeelThere's virtual cockpit is so true-to-life in fact, that pilots actually use this product in training to familiarize themselves with its layout and functionality. So you won't find any model of the ERJ that offers you the same level of realism that this one does.
Virtually all systems are included, ensuring that the ERJ not only feels like it should, but that everything 'under the hood' is accurate too. With this package, FeelThere have quite literally created the next best thing, to the real thing.
Manufacturers Description
Including the ERJ 145, ERJ 135 and ERJ 145XR
Operating a fleet of Embraer 135s and 145s the Belgian's Defense 15th Wing Air Transport now uses the feelThere ERJ 145 Pilot in Command to teach flight deck procedures to pilots
The ultimate regional jet for FS2004 and FSX
- Highly detailed ERJ 145, ERJ 135 and ERJ 145XR model with virtual cockpit and cabin
- Photorealistic 2D panel with 5 photorealistic subpanels
- Ultrarealistic flight model
- Free liveries (additional livery pack is available from McPhat Studios)
After almost 5 years of the initial release listening the many requests we are proud to announce the latest Embraer regional jet package including 3 popular version of the ERJ.
PIC ERJ 145 Pilot In Command product details
Aircraft features
- Three highly detailed ERJ airplanes
- Load editor (automatic fueling by using the FMS)
- CALL! for the ERJ (first officer and flight attendant simulation) included ($17.99 value)
- Native fs9 and fsX development
- Multiple liveries
- Brand new digital soundset by TSS
- Custom XML instruments and animations inside and outside
Panel features
- Glass cockpit
- Color weather radar
- Photorealistic 2d panels
- Fully interactive victual cockpit with many custom switches and knobs
- HUD (Head up display) night and difficult weather landing
- Ground proximity warning system (GPWS)
- TCAS II with audio -visual Traffic Advisory and Resolution Advisory system
- Pop up instruments
- Screen resolution up to 1600x1200 (4:3) pixels
System features
- Almost all systems are included. Electrical, pneumatics, hydraulics, pressurization, bleed air, air conditioning, FADEC with ATTCS function, GPWS, self test, ventral tank for the ERJ 145XR
- Accurate autopilot with overspeed and stall recovery systems
- APU simulated with correct fuel consumption
- Ice detection
FMS features
- Very realistic and complex FMS
- Learn function; the FMS learns your flying habits and the prediction will be more accurate at each time
- Five different patterns
- SID/STAR with DME arc
- GoFlight AP modules
- Track Ir
- Squawkbox 3
I have flown on many types of regional aircraft before and I have flown many of them on the simulator. I have never had the chance to fly onboard an ERJ but if I did, I imagine that the experiences would be equal to what the ERJ V2 provides. It was noted that real world pilots use this product for cockpit and systems familiarization and that is an important point. Its shows that the feelThere ERJ has met a certain standard of complexity within the FS platform that even the pros are contented with. - Avsim

About feelthere
FeelThere is a flight simulator and ATC simulator developer based in CA, USA headed up by team leader and owner Victor Racz.
FeelThere have been developing add-ons for flight simulators since the early days - since FS2002 and have been working on every iteration since. Their products have included creations for many different aircraft and airport (scenery) creations.
Since their flight simulator developments and aircraft creations, they have also branched out into Air Traffic Control (ATC) simulators and have mastered the Tower! series which is popular among PC-based ATC simulation users. Tower! is likely the most used and acclaimed ATC simulator software for PC.
Feelthere is now also focused on creating content for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release simulator with various scenery packages and likely aircraft to follow.
Customer Reviews
Rated 3.5/5.0 based on 2 customer reviews
- 04/24/2013
5/5 Verified Purchase
I recently purchased this product and WOW what a great aircraft! This bird is by far one of the best flight sim downloads on the market. The quality is great and the graphics are great! The only minor improvement would be to improve pilot animation. The aircraft sounds are fabulous. These birds really give you the sensation of flying...man I was really impressed. The throttle action is very realistic and coordinated with the engine sounds perfectly. These jets are a must have in any simmers hangar. Thanks for a very superior product.
- 10/13/2020
2/5 Verified Purchase
This aircraft is great but no gauges showed in cockpit
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