Cleveland Photoreal Scenery Ultra-Res Cities for FSX/P3D

Cleveland Photoreal Scenery Ultra-Res Cities for FSX/P3D

Known for having long expanses of greenery and not being too overloaded with various features and inclusions throughout – at least those made by man – Cleveland is an area that many people enjoy coming to for relaxation. From an aviation point of view, it can be a fine place to come and visit too as you get to take in some great views; the only problem is that the whole thing is actually a little bit imbalanced within FSX and P3D. Read more...

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Immediate Download
Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D
File size
9.6 GB
PC Aviator
Buy now forAll taxes included$15.41
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Thankfully, with the aid of MegaEarthScenery, you can make significant changes to the landscape that will bring the whole thing together and make you feel like you are actually flying above Cleveland!

This package includes a whole 5,000 square miles of the Terminal Area for Cleveland, Ohio, which takes in a lot of the city and its surrounding areas. This means that you will be able to notice a stark difference in the quality of detail across these miles, with a 50cm/pixel arrangement being used for every piece of scenery that has been included. Now lush greenery stands out as such, and the city of Cleveland itself looks far more alive than it used to in the past. These wholesale changes to the whole region make a big difference, and can also be used with the Ohio complete scenery package. This can be downloaded HERE, and offers a brilliant level of completion for anyone who wants to take regular flights through the state of Ohio.

However, this package alone can totally transform Cleveland and make it look far more efficient than ever before. The style and nature of the region, though, is truly brought to life with this as large pieces of flatland are now far more dynamic and engaging to fly over than they once were.

Cleveland itself is a city with a rich history, having been a key player in the growth of more than economic style. From healthcare and finance to manufacturing and biomedicals, this has been a city that has dealt with more industries and changes than most. Although it was only founded just over 400 years ago, the city has managed to grow into a thriving area and today holds a population of around 390,000. This makes it one of the more populous cities within the US, sitting at 48th on the rankings.

What you will find, though, is a very busy location that manages to pack a whole bunch of activity into the one place. It’s a location that is known for having a real passion for things outside of working in various industries; things like Rock & Roll music, for example, are well-known to have a really strong following here in the city.

You’ll get to see this funky and forward thinking atmosphere come to life in the city below when you fly over, as many of its more charming features will become easily noticeable as you fly over – even from heights of around 500ft, things still retain their texture and sharpness. 

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