BAe 146 (146 Professional) Aircraft Add-on for MSFS

Following on from their popular Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer and PA-28 family of aircraft for MSFS, Just Flight's in-house team has developed this highly detailed simulation of the 146 regional jet following comprehensive, hands-on research with a real-world aircraft, G-JEAO, which retired from service with British European Airways in 2000 and is now preserved at the de Havilland Aircraft Museum, and the CC.Mk2 and C.Mk3 aircraft of Royal Air Force, 32 (The Royal) Squadron. Read more...
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 Release
- File size
- 3 GB
- Developer
- Just Flight
Just Flight is excited to bring you the 146 ‘Whisper Jet’ – featuring the 100, 200, and 300 series of this classic British airliner. The design process of what was to become the 146-100 began under Hawker Siddeley in 1973, when the iconic high T-tail, short undercarriage, four engines, and distinctive airbrake were chosen to produce a regional airliner with short-field performance and quiet operation. The 146-100 first flew in 1981, followed by the stretched 200 series in 1982 and the 300 series in 1988.
The Royal Air Force purchased three 146-100s in 1986 and these were operated by The Queen's Flight, designated the CC.Mk2 ‘Statesman’ and equipped with VIP cabins. The aircraft were used to transport the British royal family and senior members of the UK military and government.
The 146 was also popular with cargo operators due to its excellent capacity and low engine noise, allowing for night flights into city airports. Two cargo variants were developed: the convertible passenger and freight variant (QC) and the freight-only Quiet Trader (QT). The Royal Air Force also operated two 200QC aircraft, designated the C.Mk3.
Eight variants of the 146 are included in this product – the 100 to 300 passenger variants, the 200QC and QT, 300 QT, RAF CC.Mk2 ‘Statesman’ and C.Mk3 – offer a wide variety of configurations, ranges, and flight operations across the globe.
The exterior models are stunningly detailed, featuring 8K and 4K textures for incredible clarity and the latest Physical Based Rendering (PBR) material technology to produce realistic metallic, plastic, and glass surfaces. Realistic animations include trailing-edge flap mechanisms, spoilers, large tail-mounted airbrake, and all passenger and cargo doors.
The Captain and First Officer positions in the cockpit are modeled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs, and controls. The aircraft features complex custom-coded systems based on real-world FCOMs, including hydraulic, electrical, fuel and pressurization, and the cockpit is also fitted with a functional Thrust Management System (TMS) and comprehensive navigation equipment which includes an FMS.
The aircraft is brought to life with immersive dynamic lighting and 3D Wwise sounds, with unique flight dynamics for each variant and custom effects from condensation and contrails to realistic exterior lighting.
The 146 was flown all around the world and over 30 airline liveries from the UK, USA, Europe, and Australia are included, bringing you many iconic airlines and paint schemes.
Models Included (Variants)
Eight variants of the 146 are included:
- 146-100
- 146-200
- 146-300
- 146-200 QC & QT (cargo)
- 146-300 QT (cargo)
- CC.Mk2 (RAF VIP configuration with countermeasure pods)
- C.Mk3 (RAF cargo configuration with countermeasure pods)
- Accurately modeled using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft (G-JEAO, ZE701, and ZE708)
- Numerous animations, including:
- Trailing edge flap surfaces
- Wing-mounted spoilers and tail-mounted airbrake
- All passenger, service, and cargo doors, and integral airstairs
- Windscreen wipers
- Distinctive retractable tricycle landing gear
- Countermeasure pods, HF aerial, and more
- Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials produce realistic metallic, plastic, and glass surfaces
- 4K and 8K textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity
- Authentic labeling and placards based on those found in the real aircraft, with decals used for high-resolution text
- Ground services support (marshaller, fuel truck, etc.)
- Full support for MSFS visual icing effects
- Passenger and cargo cabins
- Captain and First Officer positions are modeled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs, and controls. Even the pilot and observer seats, cup holders, and sun visors are functional!
- A truly 3D cockpit environment right down to accurately modeled seat belts and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
- Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
- Aircraft state system which will automatically save the aircraft state whenever a flight is saved and reload it whenever that flight is loaded
- Aircraft configuration system which allows you to choose between 'Cold & Dark', ‘Turnaround’ or 'Ready for Take-off'
- Many features have been added to help with usabilities such as the ability to hide the control yokes for a better view of the instruments and pre-set camera views for the overhead panel, center pedestal and jump seat, hidden click spot for setting all altimeters to standard, and controlling all four N1 and TGT bugs, and automatic ground idle selection
- Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches, and levers
- Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
The 146 comes with a variety of airline liveries from the UK, USA, Australia, Europe, and more.
- Air France Express (G-JEAT)
- AirUK (G-UKPC)
- British Aerospace demonstrator (G-SSSH)
- Dan-Air London (G-BKMN)
- Formula One Flight Operations White (G-OFOM)
- Formula One Flight Operations Silver (G-OFOA)
- Jersey European (G-JEAO)
- Pacific Southwest Airlines (N246SS)
- United Express (N463AP)
- AirCal (N146AC)
- Air Canada Jazz (C-GRNZ)
- American Airlines (N699AA)
- Cello Aviation (G-RAJJ)
- Cobham Aviation (VH-NJG)
- Continental Express (N406XV)
- Jota Aviation (G-SMLA)
- QantasLink (VH-NJJ)
- SN Brussels Airlines (OO-DJJ)
- USAir (N165US)
- TNT Airways (OO-TAZ)
- Titan Airways (G-ZAPK)
- TNT Airways 1990s (G-TNTA)
- Ansett Australia Airlines Cargo (VH-JJZ)
- Titan Airways (G-ZAPR)
- Aer Lingus (EI-CTO)
- Air New Zealand (ZK-NZN)
- Ansett Australia (VH-EWM)
- Astra Airlines (SX-DIZ)
- British Airways (G-OINV)
- Cobham Aviation Services (VH-NJN)
- Flybe (G-JEBC)
146-300 QT
- ASL Airlines (EC-MID)
- Australian Air Express (VH-NJM)
- Jota Aviation (G-JOTE)
- TNT Airways (OO-TAD)
- RAF Statesman modern (ZE701 – Queen’s Flight)
- RAF Statesman 1980s (ZE701 – Queen’s Flight)
C.Mk 3
- RAF (ZE708)
A PSD Paint Kit (1.4GB) is also available to download.
146 Professional features custom-coded aircraft systems with a high degree of complexity and depth, including:
Air-conditioning and pressurization system
- Automatic and manual pressurization modes with control of outflow valves, barometric and cabin rate settings, indications, and cabin altitude warnings
- Cabin altitude and differential values based on real-world data
- Automatic and manual flight deck and cabin temperature control – take account of ambient temperature, air supply from the engines and/or APU, fresh or recirculated air, and even whether the doors are open!
Auto-flight system
- Autopilot and flight director system with multiple modes:
- Pitch - altitude arm and hold, vertical speed, IAS, Mach, glideslope and go-around
- Roll – VLOC, BLOC, LNAV (FMC) and HDG
- Turbulence mode
- Pitch and bank selection and hold
- Sync mode for quick changes to aircraft attitude
- Fully-functional mode annunciations, engagement and disengagement criteria (including roll and pitch rate cut-out and stall cut-out), and integration with ADI and HSI
- Simulated CAT 2 approach monitoring system
Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
The aircraft is equipped with a tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft options and payloads, including:
- Set fuel quantity in individual tanks (including total fuel weight, automatically split between tanks)
- Set payloads in the passenger cabin and cargo hold (including Zero Fuel Weight)
- Control the pilot and cabin announcements
- Quickly select aircraft states (Ready for Take-off, Turnaround, and Cold-and-Dark)
- Toggle ground power unit (GPU) and chocks
- Monitor CG position and automatically set take-off trim based on CG
- Aircraft configuration menu with many options, including altimeter sync, traditional/TCAS VSI, state saving, cabin lighting, model options, and much more
The EFB can also be used for flight planning and monitoring:
- Import your SimBrief flight and view a summary or scrollable full OFP
- Monitor your position in real-time using a map view with tracking, zoom, and pan options
- Explore and view your Navigraph charts
- Use a notepad for making notes during the flight, particularly useful for noting down clearances and taxi instructions
Flight Management System
- Fully functional FMS for lateral navigation (LNAV), based on the popular Working Title FMS, allowing for realistic modern-day flight planning and operations
- Up-to-date AIRAC cycles (via the Navigraph MSFS database)
- Lateral navigation integration with LNAV autopilot mode and HSI
- Ability to create full flight plans or import the default MSFS flight plan
- SimBrief import function
- SID and STAR support
- Holding pattern support
Communication system
- Dual VHF COMM, NAV, and ADF radios, with 8.33kHz spacing support
- Cockpit voice recorder test and indication systems
- Functioning audio selector and PA chime
Electrical system
- Independent engine, APU, and external power (AC and DC) sources
- Generator and TRU loading, and automatic load switching
- Standby generator and inverter power sources for non-normal procedures
- Independent AC channels, including normal, essential, and emergency busbars, and bus-ties facilities
Fire protection system
- Engine, APU, and fuselage fire detection, and warning systems
- Engine fire extinguishing system
- Fully simulated test functionality
Flight controls
- Servo-tab simulation – the position of elevator and aileron surfaces is dependent on servo-tab control inputs and airflow over the surface
- Iconic tail-mounted airbrakes, roll and lift spoilers with independent hydraulic sources, realistic deployment times and custom AC and PTU pump sounds
- Flight control disconnect and yoke control lock functionality
- Accurately simulated flap system with hydraulic and electrical power sources, baulk override, fault testing and iconic howl when deployed in the air
- Stall identification and warning systems, including stick shaker and pusher, and inhibit mode
- Simulated configuration warning system
- Flap Trim Compensation (FTC) system on the 146-300
Fuel system
- Realistic fuel load and burn based on real-world data
- Simulated electrical normal and hydraulic standby fuel pumps, center and wing tanks with feed tanks for each engine, and LP and HP fuel cocks
- Fully functional center-to-wing fuel transfer, cross-feed, and common-feed valves
- Auxiliary fuel tanks fitted (can be toggled via the EFB) to provide additional range - great for bizjet operations
Hydraulic system
- Independent yellow and green hydraulic systems with realistic pressure, quantity, and supply to other systems
- Simulated AC- and DC-driven backup pumps and power transfer unit (PTU)
- Functional standby generator for supplying AC and DC electrical power in non-normal situations
Ice and rain protection system
- Ice detection and accumulation simulation, anti-icing and de-icing functionality for exterior surfaces, warning systems for in-flight monitoring
- Simulation of separate inner and outer wing anti-icing and windscreen overheating
Indicating and recording systems
- A vast array of annunciators, including an accurately simulated Master Warning System (MWS) with amber and red cautions, audible warnings, and ground testing for all systems
- Flight Data Entry Panel (FDEP) for entering flight details (date, flight leg, and number)
Landing gear
- Normal and emergency gear extension, including gear down-lock override
- Gear configuration indication and warning systems
- Simulated brake accumulators supplied via the hydraulic power sources (yellow or green), anti-skid and brake temperature indicator with cooling down periods that are affected by ambient temperature, brake usage, and brake fans
- Captain and First Officer tillers for realistic nose-wheel steering
Navigation systems
- Transponder with TCAS (integrated with VSI TCAS display) and flight ID input functionality
- Dual RMI/DBI and HSI navigation instruments, fed by two NAV and ADF radios, including DME hold function
- Instrument source selector for NAV 1, NAV 2, or dual navigation via the ADI, HSI, and auto-flight system
- Choice of traditional or TCAS VSI
- Fully functioning test modes on navigation instruments (e.g. HSI, radio altimeter, and ADI)
- Custom-coded GPWS with modes 1-6, steep approach mode, flap warning override, and test functionality
Oxygen system
- Flight crew and passenger oxygen systems with valve and mask deployment controls
Pneumatic system
- Realistic bleed air demand from engines and APU, and pneumatic supply to air-conditioning and ice protection systems
- Realistic APU start and shutdown procedures, and bleed air and electrical power supply
- RPM, TGT, and fuel burn values based on real-world data
Doors and stairs
- Animations panel for controlling passenger and service doors, lower cargo doors, and fuselage cargo door
- Deployable airstairs, powered by the Yellow hydraulic system
Power plant
- N1, N2, TGT, oil pressures, and temperatures will all differ subtly between engines
- Accurately simulated Thrust Modulation System (TMS) with take-off (full or flexible), maximum continuous thrust, TGT, and descent modes. Takes account of engine bleed air requirements, e.g. for air conditioning and ice protection systems.
- Realistic engine start procedures with external, APU, or cross-start sources
- Simulation of ground and flight idle balks
- Take-off and landing speed card which automatically displays reference speeds depending on current aircraft weight, and settable airspeed indicator and engine instrument bugs
- Independent lighting controls for Captain and First Officer
- Dimmable integral lighting for each panel
- Dimmable dynamic flood and storm lighting for a highly immersive and customizable night environment (more than 10 individual light sources, including entry, lap, sill, and flight kit)
- Freely moveable lap and sill lighting
- Accurately simulated exterior lighting, including wing, logo, and runway exit lights, and taxi/landing and navigation lights with different intensities
- MSFS-native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of the new MSFS capabilities
- Studio quality Lycoming ALF-502 engine noise recorded from RAF C.Mk3 ZE708
- Over 450 flight deck sound effects were recorded from RAF CC.Mk2 ZE701
- Detailed equipment audio such as the APU, brake fans, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment, and many more
- Distinctive flap retraction/extension airflow ‘howling’ sound
- Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
- Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)
- Custom crash and scraping effects
FDE and effects
- Realistic and accurate performance in the air and on the ground, using unique flight models for all variants based on real-world performance and handling data, and input from real-world 146 pilots
- Custom effects for enhanced immersion, including engine, GPU, and APU exhaust haze
- Complete exterior lights package as seen on the real 146, including landing, wing, runway, logo, and taxi lights that illuminate objects and the ground, for ease of operation during the hours of darkness
Other features
- 258-page PDF manual with flight tutorial, systems guide, procedures, limitations, and handling notes
- Multiple interior and exterior camera presets, including wing views
- PSD paint kit (1.4GB) available included so you can create your own paint schemes
- Full support for MSFS checklists (manual and Automatic/Co-pilot modes)
- Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with controllers and hardware

About Just Flight
Based in the United Kingdom, Just Flight, owned by Mastertronic Group has been in the simulation business since the early days of FS2000. Developing in-house creations and publishing flight sim add-ons from third-party developers for various platforms including MSFS, X-Plane, and Prepar3D.
Their latest focus has been on the next-gen platforms including P3Dv5 and Microsoft's latest flight simulator, MSFS (2020) release.
Trusted by thousands of flight simmers worldwide, Just Flight is a household name in flight simulation.
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