3D Lights Redux for FSX/FS2004

3D Lights Redux for FSX/FS20044.3/5 4 reviews

While Microsoft Flight Simulator X brings many unique features to the table, such as realistic missions and an improved graphical interface overall, it still falls short for some people in recreating that real feeling of flying through the night sky. If you are still using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, then you will notice these changes and limitations even more. Read more...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X & 2004
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1.4 MB
A2A Simulations
Buy now forAll taxes included$11.59
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Flight Simulator Package:
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This fantastic 3D lights package, by the excellent A2A Simulations, gives you all the help you need in creating a higher level of overall quality and realism within the entire simulator. Especially during the night time, the lighting becomes absolutely essentially to flying your aircraft properly and therefore it’s of paramount importance that you get the full depth and quality required to maximize your flight potential.

In a real-life flying environment, the quality of the lighting you receive will make or break your chances of success. With this package, you make sure that this remains the case for even the most hardened of pilots.

With more than 40 new lighting effects and styles brought into the game, you can make the world you fly in feel more realistic than ever before. The lighting styles that you get will range from anything like a strobe light or an airport beacon to the halogen lights you are so used to seeing on the aircraft itself.

Additionally, you’ll get fully standardized and faithfully re-created runway and landing lights to make the airports that you fly into feel as realistic as they possibly can. You’ll never find yourself banging into anything on the way down with these new lighting systems that properly illuminate the world around you.

Additionally, new features have been included to include these features on the aircraft themselves – whether it’s the halogen lights mentioned above or you prefer the modern xenon light style, you can make sure that all FSX aircraft can benefit from this stunning change as much as the world around you.

Make sure that your time in the skies is one that you can actually make out with a new and far more authentic lighting system, giving you total control over your flight – as well as maximum visibility.

Key Features

  • More than 40 brand new features for lighting throughout the world – this changes everything from the navigation lights to the strobes you get on the runway when you first start to make your descent

  • Simple and quick installation that means you can start using your new lighting system in a few clicks!

  • Several vintage light styles as well as more modern halogen and xenon lights are included to give you maximum choice in what you actually want to use up in the sky

  • Entire new effects such as a light tunnel in front of you have been added for added visibility, as well as extra layers of realism making it easier than ever to truly enjoy yourself and get the real effects

  • Full compatibility with the Acceleration expansion pack for FSX

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Customer Reviews

Rated 4.3/5.0 based on 4 customer reviews

5 of 5 Stars!

As a huge F.S. fan, from the first Microsoft FS to FS 2004, X plane(s), Abacus, Combat Flight Sims, and many others, I have to say that "3-D Lights" is a stroke of added realism that all the other FS programs forgot when they made their programs. As computers and RAM grows so does the FS world. Now with 3-D Lights, perhaps one of these companies (Whom I have written to many times) can start making a flight sims that deals with real UFO encounters and commercial, military and civilian aircraft. With UFOs having a huge array of strange lights (YOU TUBE DAVE AARON, PLAY DAVE AARON, UFO EVIDENCE COLLECTOR) 3-D LIGHTS, can now bring us an incredible flight sim. Not only with earthly aircraft, but with exterterrestral UFO's as well. However for now it works on FSX as well as Microsoft Flight Sims 2004. Well done, I will order mine soon. Dave Aaron Creator: THE UFO AUDIO VIDEO CLEARINGHOUSE PO BOX 432 YUCAIPA, CA 92399 USA

4/5 Verified Purchase
4 of 5 Stars!

This is a inexpensive upgrade from the program defaults my only disappointment is it doesn't affect my add-on aircraft

3/5 Verified Purchase
3 of 5 Stars!

Look great in FSX, but I am not able to install it in FS2004.

5 of 5 Stars!

AuAsome the best lighting I have seen in long time.

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